Work Item
ASTM WK84836

New Practice for Standard Practice for Visual Determination of Computed Tomographic (CT) Image Quality

1. Scope

This practice provides instructions for determining the detail detection sensitivity in X-ray computed tomography
(CT)Volumes. It defines image quality indicators (IQI) in the form of short right cylinders or disks featuring an array of round holes of known diameters.
The practice defines procedures of measurement and of evaluation, both visual and by image processing, providing
consistent results for image quality.


computed tomography, x-ray, image quality,


From discussion in January 2023 the subcommittee decided this practice is needed to complement E1695 and the new E3375.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: E07.01

Committee: E07

Staff Manager: Kristy Straiton

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 01-17-2023

Technical Contact: Holger Roth