Work Item
ASTM WK78773

Revision of E3166-20e1 Standard Guide for Nondestructive Examination of Metal Additively Manufactured Aerospace Parts After Build


Numerous non-negative Comments were received during the two last balloting cycles 2020 for E3166 encompassing both the basic -20 and the subsequent -20e1 revisions. These Comments are technical in nature and were not made to avoid delaying the approval of the then WK47031 draft Guide. Additionally, an extensive re-write of the section on PCRT (Section 11) is planned pending adoption of new draft Practice for the resonance ultrasound RAM technique by Committee E07.06. Development of this Practice is underway, and a parallel effort (see E07.06 WK77697 New Standard Practice for Outlier Screening Using Process Compensated Resonance Testing via Impulse Input for Metallic and Non-Metallic Parts). The revision mandated by this E07.10 E3166 work item will accomplish the addition and balloting of the necessary technical changes.


Developed by Subcommittee: E07.10

Committee: E07

Staff Manager: Kristy Straiton

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 10-29-2021

Technical Contact: Jess Waller

Item: 000

