Work Item
ASTM WK77425

Revision of E1857-97(2021) Standard Guide for Selection of Cleaning Techniques for Masonry, Concrete, and Stucco Surfaces


Revision of E1857 to incorporate updated references and bibliography, and to add new sections considering methods of cleaning which have become accepted since this standard was originally published (e.g. laser cleaning, poultice cleaning, soft abrasive blasting (wet and dry). Other ancillary revisions may be addressed. Consultation with a broad forum, including related ASTM Committees, APT Technical Committee on Materials, and industry associations will be undertaken in preparing this revision. The overall focus of this standard as a guide to the process of selecting appropriate cleaning techniques for a given material and type of soiling will not be changed during this revision.


Developed by Subcommittee: E06.24

Committee: E06

Staff Manager: Frank McConnell

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 06-18-2021

Technical Contact: David West

Item: 000

