Work Item
ASTM WK77212

Reinstatement of D3999/D3999M-11e1 Standard Test Methods for the Determination of the Modulus and Damping Properties of Soils Using the Cyclic Triaxial Apparatus (Withdrawn 2020)


The standard was automatically withdrawn due to time expiring before it could be successfully balloted. This ballot is to reinstate the standard so that the updating and balloting process can be continued.


Developed by Subcommittee: D18.09

Committee: D18

Staff Manager: Katerina Koperna

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 06-06-2021

Technical Contact: Jeramy Ashlock

Item: 002

Ballot: D18.09 (21-03)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 005

Ballot: D18 (22-01)

Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution