Work Item
ASTM WK76941

New Test Method for Analysis of Carbon, Low-Alloy, and Free Machining Steel by Glow Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometry (Performance-Based Method)

1. Scope

This test method describes the analysis of Carbon, Low-Alloy, and Free Machining Steel glow discharge atomic emission spectrometry (GD-AES). The Carbon, Low-Alloy, or Free Machining Steel specimen to be analyzed may be in the form of a disk, casting, foil, sheet, plate, extrusion or some other wrought form or shape. The elements and ranges covered in the scope by spark-AES of this method are listed below. (This list will be determined via the ILS)


atomic emission spectrometry; GD-AES; glow discharge; low-alloy steel; free machining steel; carbon steel


Currently, there is no standard test method for the analysis of Carbon, Low-Alloy, and Free Machining Steel by Glow Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometry. The users of these tools have requested such a method.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: E01.01

Committee: E01

Staff Manager: Jamie Huffnagle

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 05-17-2021

Technical Contact: Aaron Walczewski

Item: 000

