The intention of this update is to enhance the international character of this specification. Neither ISO nor EN standards address products dedicated exclusively to agricultural, land or private storm water drainage applications preferring instead to normalize products that are part of the water cycle (water and sanitary sewer pipes). Internationalizing this specification will increase the relevance of this standard in international markets and further expand the acceptance of ASTM standards worldwide. The main changes to the standard are the following: -Additional metric nominal diameters have been added -The concept of minimum inside diameters is introduced following the practice in ISO, EN and many other standards around the world. -An optional ring stiffness test at a 3 % deflection for classification by SN class
Date Initiated: 04-01-2021
Technical Contact: Alex Navarro
Item: 001
Ballot: F17.65 (21-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 001
Ballot: F17.65 (21-02)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution
Item: 029
Ballot: F17 (21-06)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 018
Ballot: F17 (21-09)
Status: Ballot Item Approved