Work Item
ASTM WK73424

New Guide for The Assessment of Biodegradable Rubber Gloves

1. Scope

This standard will apply to all single use gloves classified and or sold as Biodegradable and specifies requirements for meeting the biodegradable claim, as outlined by the FTC Green Guide and other relevant regulations, it also specifies the requirements for labeling, definitions and the disclosure of information relevant to the test methods used.


environmentally safe, ecological; environmentally friendly; decompose; degrade; dissolve; disintegrate.


There is currently very little to no guidance regulations for biodegradable glove product claims, though the FTC has outlined the basic guidance and need for such, therefore, a standard guide is needed.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: D11.27

Committee: D11

Staff Manager: Melissa Marcinowski

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 06-30-2020

Technical Contact: Kirk Penner

Item: 000

