Work Item
ASTM WK73008

Revision of F3120/F3120M-19 Standard Specification for Ice Protection for General Aviation Aircraft


To increase awareness about the connectivity of the standard as means of compliance to the rule and enable authorities and industry alike to more easily use the standards, we are proposing the addition of cross-references into an annex of the standard. These Annexes will be compiled into a comprehensive table of cross references and provided publicly on the ASTM and GAMA websites, to better connect the sections in this standard to the current CS/Part 23 regulations. Balloting this into the standards not only publishes this connectivity into the standard to help ensure everyone makes the same connection from rule to standard but also provides validation of connections proposed. Scope statements are posted publicly on the document summary page of each standard. Therefore, this information will be discoverable on the internet search functions like Google and the ASTM website making it easier for industry to find the standards applicable to specific rules.


Developed by Subcommittee: F44.10

Committee: F44

Staff Manager: Joe Koury

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 05-14-2020

Technical Contact: Larry Van Dyke

Item: 000

