1.1 This practice establishes criteria for the design, manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance, auditing and major modification of commercial and institutional Bodyflight, for indoor and outdoor vertical wind tunnel flying attractions operating with the primary purpose of amusement, entertainment, training, and recreation. This practice applies to indoor and outdoor vertical wind tunnel flying attractions either portable or permanently installed units. This practice establishes guidelines for reducing potential hazards to patrons, participants, flyers, spectators, surrounding properties, and operators of Indoor or Outdoor Vertical Wind Tunnel attractions.
bodyflight; chamber; indoor skydiving; vertical wind tunnel; flyer, portable wind tunnel; permanent wind tunnel; instructor; outdoor wind tunnel; wall to wall air;
The industry is rapidly expanding with new designs and technologies entering designs. The standard shall establish minimum requirements for both portable or permanent indoor skydiving/bodyflight attractions to ensure both patron and employee safety.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 10-16-2019
Technical Contact: Jared Krupa
Item: 001
Ballot: F24.61 (20-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 001
Ballot: F24.61 (23-02)
Status: In Balloting