The promotion of knowledge, stimulation of research, development and maintenance of standards and related documents that address the use of magnesium oxide cementitious boards and related products in buildings as well as to develop, formulate, and improve standards that measure the serviceability performance of building constructions using magnesium oxide cement, boards and related products under various conditions of exposure; provide a systematic basis for obtaining data; and provide information to building officials, code authorities and others on which building product and construction requirements can be established. Magnesium oxide products offer alternatives to existing building products, which use ASTM standards, produced and used in the building industry.
MGO; cementitious boards; MgO cements; MgO powder; MGSO4, MGCL2
This standard is needed to insure the quality of the Magnesium oxide boards and products.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 04-26-2018
Technical Contact: Kenneth Krantz
Item: 002
Ballot: E06.21 (19-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 015
Ballot: E06.21 (19-03)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution