Many analytical instruments, safety devices, and screening and detection systems operate in a binary manner: the system or product performs as intended or not (or a target agent is detected or not). These instruments and systems are commonly used in areas of critical importance, such as detection of hazardous substances, or as screening and safety systems for the protection of people and facilities. Due to their importance, a standardized approach to measure performance that can be used by analytical laboratories, first responders, facility protection managers, test engineers and manufacturers is needed.
Probability of detection; rate of performance; confidence level; confidence interval; binary response
Instruments and systems used for protection of people and facilities often operate in a succeed/fail, detected/not-detected manner. Due to the importance of these systems, a way to characterize their performance in a statistically rigorous way is needed. Analytical laboratories, first responders, and quality control experts would be among the users of this standard.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 03-03-2016
Technical Contact: Alejandro Heredia-Langner
Item: 001
Ballot: E54.01 (16-03)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 001
Ballot: E54 (17-04)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 002
Ballot: E54 (17-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 001
Ballot: E54 (19-05)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution