Journal Published Online: 02 April 2018
Volume 7, Issue 1

The Development of Retrogression and Re-aging to Manage Environmental Degradation in Australian Defence Force Aircraft



This article describes a project in which the Retrogression and Re-aging (RRA) heat treatment was demonstrated to be a viable means of improving the corrosion resistance of 7075-T651 components of the Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C and C-130J-30 aircraft while maintaining the mechanical properties above the material’s A-Basis and preserving component functionality. This was achieved by a phased development process starting with the determination of the mechanical properties of the RRA-treated material and culminating in technology demonstrators on thick-section C-130J-30 lower ring segment components and a thin-section AP-3C component. This article describes the results obtained and the lessons learned during the process.

Author Information

Crawford, Bruce R.
Aerospace Division, Defence Science and Technology Group, Fishermans Bend, VIC, Australia
Shekhter, Alexandra
Aerospace Division, Defence Science and Technology Group, Fishermans Bend, VIC, Australia
Loader, Chris
Maritime Division, Defence Science and Technology Group, Fishermans Bend, VIC, Australia
Pages: 21
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: MPC20170100
ISSN: 2379-1365
DOI: 10.1520/MPC20170100