MANUAL Published: 30 July 2021

Chapter 9 | Use of Emulsifiers in Foods


This chapter describes the use of surfactants as food additives. The primary use of surfactants in foods is as emulsifiers, wetting agents, foaming agents, dispersants, and solubilizing and homogenizing agents. Thus, they promote the formation of stable emulsions and dispersions, produce foam, and impart a number of highly desirable properties, which include inhibiting staling, producing foam, and improving texture and palatability (mouthfeel). Because of this, surfactants/emulsifiers are essential components in modern processed foods. For use as food additives, emulsifiers must meet national regulatory requirements in the country of use. In the United States, food emulsifiers and other food additives are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, and the emulsifiers/additives that are permitted in foods are listed in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21. They are considered Generally Recognized as Safe, or GRAS, chemicals and are mostly nonionic ester-types synthesized from oleochemicals or are emulsifiers that occur in nature as such. The chapter ends by presenting an assortment of food products in which various emulsifiers are used and the functions these emulsifiers perform.

Author Information

Rizvi, Syed, Q. A.
Price: $25.00
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Pages: 271–303
DOI: 10.1520/MNL802019003209
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7132-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-7131-2