MANUAL Published: 2007

International Consumer Product Testing Across Cultures and Countries

Editor(s): Alejandra M. Munoz, Silvia C. Kiing

Divided into two distinct sections, this new online product discusses

1. General Principles of issues involved in the planning, design, and execution of international consumer product tests across cultures and countries (cross-cultural consumer research tests), and the data analysis and interpretation of the results. This document addresses the unique situations involved in the design and execution of tests conducted with different cultures or in foreign countries. Special consideration is given to language issues, questionnaire design, and test execution based on key cultural differences among countries. This document provides insights into:

• Government regulations
• Customs and culture
• Test design, planning, and execution
• Questionnaire issues, attributes, scales, and validation
• Participants, test staff, and test administration
• Multi-country/culture approach
• Data issues, including raw data and data analysis
• Case studies

2. Individual documents (which can be purchased for $25 each) focus on country-specific testing information, caveats, and scenarios. While some specifics and examples are provided throughout the General Principles document, explicit examples and country information are provided in the country specific documents.

Specific issues are addressed relative to each of these countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, France, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand/Australia, Philippines, Poland, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, and United States.

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Table of Contents

Alejandra M. Muñoz, Silvia C. King

Guillermo Hough, Andrea Mucci, Liliana Graciela Findling

Eliete Vaz de Faria, Therese M. Kohl

Arlene Cameron, Anne Goldman, Chris J. Findlay

Zi Yang, Shannon Lu, Gregg A. Nicoll

Christel Adam, Grace Brannan, Cindy Ward

Samuel N. Stephen, Patricia A. Keane

Aki Nakao, Asako Taniguchi

Kwang-Ok Kim, Sang Sook Kim, Seojin Chung, Grace Brannan

Daniel L. Pedrero Fuehrer, Carlos Iván Mndez Gallardo

Dogan Yuksel

Sheryl Cook, Karen Stanton

Grace D. Brannan, Maria Rita Salle, Cindy Ward

Jagoda Mazur, Henryka Komanska, Malgorzata Jablonska

Luis Guerrero, Julián Briz

Varapha Kongpensook, Edgar Chambers, Chintana Oupadissakoon

Richard J. Marshall

Sheryl Karow, Bree Klawien, Leisa Lessard

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Developed by Committee: E18
DOI: 10.1520/MNL55-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5690-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-4264-0