MANUAL Published: 01 January 1989

Safe Handling of Vapor Degreasing Solvents


The vapor degreasing solvents that are discussed in this publication (methylene chloride, perchloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, and trichlorotrifluoroethane) have all been used industrially for many years. Their toxic properties and the methods for handling them safely have become known through extensive experimentation and human experience. The facts that are presented in this section are drawn largely from several readily available published sources. They are as follows: (1) Hygienic Guide Series of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, 66 South Miller Road, Akron, OH 44313; (2) American National Standards Acceptable Concentrations of Toxic Dusts and Gases, published by American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 11018; (3) Threshold Limit Values for Chenaical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Changes, published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 6500 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45211; (4) F. A. Patty, Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 3rd Revised Edition, Vol. 2A, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1981; and (5) Occupational Safety and Health Standards, as published by the United States Department of Labor.

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Developed by Committee: D26
Pages: 23–23
DOI: 10.1520/MNL10069M
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-4516-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1217-9