Journal Published Online: 16 December 2024
Volume 53, Issue 1

Measuring Work of Breathing in an Infant Model: Comparison of Static and Dynamic Test Methods



When an infant’s face becomes engaged with soft bedding materials, a suffocation hazard may be present that is associated with increased work of breathing (WOB). When resistive materials impede airflow, an infant must work harder to breathe and maintain homeostasis. Airway stressors within the infant sleep environment are felt to be risk factors for sudden unexpected infant death (SUID). To quantify the WOB, experiments were performed using a mechanical breathing model for dynamic measurements and compared with a static test method. The model was configured to measure the dynamic pressure and volume of the lungs as they changed during the breathing cycle. Pressure and volume data were used to calculate the WOB per cycle for a range of 12 restrictive bedding materials and 3 types of foam. In addition, static airflow resistance measurements were made using the same materials. It was found that there is a useful correlation between static airflow measurements and dynamic measurements of WOB. The measurement methods and apparatus are described herein.

Author Information

Leshner, Michael D.
Leshner & Associates, Elkton, MD, USA
Pages: 9
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE20240404
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE20240404