Journal Published Online: 09 December 2024
Volume 53, Issue 1

Agricultural Agents: Utilizing Matrix Calibrations for the Accurate Quantification of Contaminants in Cannabis Products



Cannabis is an extremely complex matrix that has chemical properties that can make the quantitation of various analytes within the product difficult. As such, laboratories must develop methods that will account for the matrix effect and interferences that naturally occur in everyday samples. Although most analyses can be impacted by matrix, agricultural agent testing is impacted the most. If a laboratory wants to accurately identify and quantify compounds of interest, matrix calibrations, the use of internal standards, and robust method development are essential. This paper will provide data and evidence regarding the impact that a matrix can have on agricultural agent results and why the lack of matrix calibrations can be detrimental to the accurate identification and quantitation of the analytes. Additionally, tools for identifying matrix interferences and how to combat these issues will be discussed in further detail. Cannabis laboratories must focus on producing data that are accurate, reproducible, and legally defensible to help ensure consumer safety. Consumption, whether through inhalation or ingestion, of toxic agricultural agent residues can be extremely dangerous to the health of consumers and in the United States, third party laboratories have been assigned the responsibility of ensuring that all products on the market are safe. As such, this research and its supporting evidence play a critical role in the cannabis industry and the laboratories ability to protect the consumer.

Author Information

Glaros, Jini L.
Modern Canna Laboratories, Lakeland, FL, USA
Bergel, Wyatt T.
Modern Canna Laboratories, Lakeland, FL, USA
Perkins, Derek B.
Modern Canna Laboratories, Lakeland, FL, USA
Pages: 22
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE20230619
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE20230619