Journal Published Online: 21 February 2023
Volume 51, Issue 5

Load-Deflection Response of Steel-Basalt Hybrid Fiber–Reinforced Copper Slag Concrete Beams



In the proposed research, the load-deflection response of hybrid fiber (steel and basalt fibers) reinforced copper slag concrete was investigated based on the studied mechanical properties of hybrid-fiber concrete such as compression, tension, flexure, fracture, and microstructure. Based on various experimental results, the optimum volume fraction of steel and basalt fibers was identified and fused together in hybrid form to study its behavior under static loading conditions. The objective of the study was to observe the influence of hybrid fibers as the primary reinforcement in concrete beams. The results were promising, indicating higher energy absorption ability. The developed combination of hybrid-fiber concrete was investigated for various parameters such as first-cracking behavior, load-deflection pattern, energy absorption capacity, ductility characteristics, stiffness of beams, and failure mode of beams subjected to load-deflection behavior. Significant results were obtained by replacing steel rebars as the primary reinforcement with regard to post-peak response and ductility.

Author Information

Dharmar, Brindha
Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
John, Vinotha Jenifer
Department of Civil Engineering, Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Pages: 12
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE20220513
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE20220513