Journal Published Online: 20 September 2018
Volume 47, Issue 1

Original Techniques of the High Precision Automatic Impact Test Device



Irradiation embrittlement testing of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel is essential to the surveillance experiment of nuclear power plant safety and requires high precision, high reliability, high repeatability, and high stability (4-High). It is very difficult to achieve the 4-High requirements of the remote control automatic impact test device in the hot cell. This article introduces our original designs of the obverse straight transfer specimen: the direct centering of the specimen notch and solid bath furnace. Aside from the common motor and automatic release pendulum device of automatic impact testing, the original new techniques of the automatic impact test consist of only two actuators (the push specimen plate and the notch automatic centering device). This innovative technique has successfully guaranteed the 4-High test results; it has simplified the track, reduced the number of steps, minimized the number of actuators of the automatic impact test, shortened transfer specimen time, and improved the precision of temperature control and notch centering. Through the successful use of this original technique, we have replaced the usual lateral transfer specimen and indirect centering of specimen notch with the obverse straight transfer specimen and direct centering of specimen notch. By adopting only one actuator, our technique has easily resolved the difficulties of terminal rebound and the disturbance and dislocation of the specimen. The operation has combined specimen transfer and centering into one step, which has smoothly overcome the difficult problems of instant specimen transfer, notch centering, and compression so that the specimen touches the test anvil closely. In sum, these innovative techniques have streamlined the complicated and rapid process of automatic impact testing into a simple and easy process.

Author Information

Yang, Wendou
China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, P. R. China
Yang, Wen
China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, P. R. China
Tong, Zhenfeng
China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, P. R. China
Zhang, Changyi
China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, P. R. China
Ning, Guangsheng
China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, P. R. China
Zhong, Weihua
China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, P. R. China
Pages: 12
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE20170155
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE20170155