Journal Published Online: 07 December 2017
Volume 46, Issue 1

Performance Evaluation of PV-Supported STATCOM for Voltage and Frequency Regulation of Standalone SEIG System



This paper deals with a static compensator (STATCOM) incorporated with a photovoltaic (PV) system for the regulation of voltage and frequency in the standalone Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS). This standalone WECS is employed with the self-excited induction generator and flywheel energy storage system. The PV power-generating system is interfaced into the dc link of the STATCOM to provide long-duration compensation against voltage and frequency deviation. The synchronous reference frame control scheme with a fuzzy logic controller is employed to extract the reference source current signal and generate the gating pulses to the STATCOM. A coordinating logic has been proposed to handle the different situation, and it makes the system energy efficient. For an ideal utilization of electrical energy produced by renewable energy sources, this system is constructed with physical energy storage devices such as a flywheel and battery. The surplus amount of power generated by the PV system and WECS is stored in the battery and flywheel, respectively. The simulation and experimental study are carried out for different load conditions to confirm the effectiveness of the PV–supported STATCOM.

Author Information

Tamilselvan, K.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu, India
Anita, R.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu, India
Pages: 17
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE20160575
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE20160575