Journal Published Online: 30 March 2005
Volume 33, Issue 3

Theoretical Derivation and Experimental Examination of the Stromeyer Relation for the Analysis of Fatigue Data



In 1914 Stromeyer published the empirical relation ±Sn =Fl + C(106/n)1/4 for the mathematical description of fatigue (±Sn -nominal fatigue stress; Fl - fatigue limit; C - constant; n - number of stress cycles). In a previous publication Graefe has given a theoretical explanation of such a relation. In this paper the statistical distribution of the experimental fatigue data for steel is tested and no deviation from a normal distribution is found. The frequency dependence of the fatigue data is analyzed and is explained by temperature variations due to internal friction.

Different models for defect growth are in concordance with the above-mentioned formulas.

Author Information

Graefe, W
, Berlin, Germany
Pages: 8
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE12442
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE12442