Journal Published Online: 01 September 1998
Volume 26, Issue 5

Dissipated Energy of Composite Materials—Part I: Cyclic Dynamic Stress



This paper presents a method for the estimation of the vibratory fatigue strength of composite materials that is based on the accumulated dissipated energy. The accumulated dissipated energy was measured with a special measuring technique, which is able to catch quasi-continuously the mechanical properties of the tested samples. The curves of the accumulated dissipated energy were approximated with an equation that includes several parameters. These parameters were identified for experiments with different types of load and for samples with different contents of micropores. For samples that reach more than 106 load cycles, the accumulated dissipated energy in one-load-stage tests is a linear function. With this, the fatigue limit of the samples can be predicted.

Author Information

Bledzki, AK
University of Kassel, Institut fuer Werkstofftechnik, Kassel, Germany
Gassan, J
University of Kassel, Institut fuer Werkstofftechnik, Kassel, Germany
Pages: 5
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE12028J
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE12028J