Journal Published Online: 01 September 1993
Volume 21, Issue 5

An Advanced Control Concept and Algorithm for Long-Term Data Acquisition in High-Temperature Fracture Mechanics Tests



An advanced control concept and algorithm are developed for real-time, computer-driven data acquisition and control in long-term high-temperature fracture mechanics tests. The control concept and algorithm provide a comprehensive and reliable solution for problem posed by data acquisition, reduction compression, and control during long-term measurements. A new software developed on the basis of the algorithm enables simultaneous data acquisition and control at multiple parallell-running testing machines in real-time. The data acquired using the software exhibit the statistic characteristics that are reasonable and acceptable for long-term fracture mechanics tests. The algorithm also makes it possible to run other programs parallel with ongoing data acquisition and control processes so that the capacity of the applied computer may be used more effectively. The structure of the software is designed in a user-oriented style so that users can readily apply it along with related measurement instruments and computer systems to perform data acquisition, processing, and control.

Author Information

Liu, H
GKSS-Research Center, FRG
Dogan, B
GKSS-Research Center, FRG
Pages: 7
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE11778J
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE11778J