Journal Published Online: 01 July 1996
Volume 24, Issue 4

Objective Assessment of Fabric Handle in Fabrics Treated with Flame Retardants



Flame retardant finishes generally affect fabric handle, the tactile sensations resulting from fabric-skin contact. The subjectivity involved in the measurement of fabric handle has posed a major problem in the objective evaluation of the fabric's surface characteristics and comfort. This study investigated the effects of various flame-resistant (FR) finishes on changes in fabric handle utilizing a simple measurement technique. The nozzle extraction handle measurement method can be used as an effective objective measurement tool for textile and apparel industries to detect changes in the overall handle resulting from the processing of fibers, fabrics, or finishes. Peak handle force and slope near the peak force serve as variables to reflect overall handle. The relationships of fabric handle values to selective properties (weight, thickness, flexural rigidity, and drape coefficient) indicate that the fabric handle measured by the extraction method correlates most closely with the drape coefficient.

Author Information

Kim, JO
Auburn University, AL
Slaten, BL
Auburn University, AL
Pages: 6
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE11444J
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE11444J