Journal Published Online: 01 September 2012
Volume 40, Issue 6

Designing of Group Sampling Plans Based on Gamma-Poisson Distribution



Acceptance sampling is an important tool for pressuring a producer to increase the quality of his or her products for consumers’ use. In this paper, a group acceptance sampling plan is developed in which the number of nonconforming items follows a Poisson model and the fraction nonconforming has a gamma prior. The methodology and tables are presented for the design of the proposed plan. The design parameters of the proposed plan are determined using the two-point approach on the operating characteristic curve such that the specified producer’s and consumer’s risks should be satisfied. The results are also explained with examples.

Author Information

Aslam, Muhammad
Dept. of Statistics, Forman Christian College Univ., Lahore, Punjab, PK
Balamurali, Saminathan
Dept. of Mathematics, Kalasalingam Univ., TN, IN
Jun, Chi-Hyuck
Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, KR
Ahmad, Munir
National College of Business Administration & Economics, Lahore, PK
Rasool, Mujahid
Dept. of Statistics, Forman Christian College Univ., Lahore, Punjab, PK
Pages: 6
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE103327
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE103327