Journal Published Online: 01 March 1986
Volume 14, Issue 2

Analysis of Service Failures in Thermoplastic Pressure Piping Water Systems



Investigators into failures of installed thermoplastic water piping systems often do not have sufficient knowledge of the types or classes of failure and their causes to make a proper analysis of problems in this area because of the newness of thermoplastic piping. The authors, who have had extensive detailed and long-term experience in this field (40 and 28 years respectively), decided it would be helpful to users, manufacturers, installers, piping engineers, code officials, and other interested parties if a concise treatment of this topic was presented.

The types or classes of failure found in thermoplastic water piping systems are burst, damaged pipe and/or fittings, and leaking joints. The causes of these failures are improper system design, overpressurization, use of materials not intended for manufacture of piping components, non-standard materials, contaminated materials, improper manufacture, improper handling, faulty installation, poor joints, and the installed system being damaged by third parties. These topics are discussed in detail. A list of publications that describe procedures and recommendations to reduce failures in service is given.

Author Information

Reinhart, FW
, Silver Spring, MD
Furno, FJ
, Columbus, OH
Pages: 3
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE10328J
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE10328J