Journal Published Online: 03 December 2010
Volume 39, Issue 3

Combining Gray Relation and Analytical Hierarchy Process Concepts to Develop a Decision Support System of Supply Chain Project Management



Supplier selection is an important decision for effective supply chain project management (SCPM) of Notebook PC. Due to global business competition, suppliers are required to supply raw materials with the right quality and quantity. Suppliers are responsible for reducing the inventory costs and improving product quality. This paper deals with the development of a decision support system based on the integration of analytical hierarchy process and gray relational analysis for supplier selection. The additive normalization method is used as the prioritization method to calculate the priority vector. The analysis results indicate that the proposed selection model enables the manager to select the SCPM of Notebook PC more objectively by allowing them to deploy effectively. The proposed model can also be applied to other high technology factories, thus enhancing Taiwanese competitive advantage.

Author Information

Lin, Chin-Tsai
Graduate School of Management, Ming Chuan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan
Wu, Cheng-Ru
Dept. and Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Yuanpei Univ., Hsin Chu, Taiwan
Chen, Huang-Chu
Dept. and Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Yuanpei Univ., Hsin Chu, Taiwan
Pages: 7
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE103234
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE103234