Journal Published Online: 01 June 2006
Volume 35, Issue 1

Stress Evaluation of Railroad Forged Wheels by Ultrasonic Testing



Many railroads and research institutes have developed nodestructive testing methods in order to prevent accidents and remove the wheels from service before they fail. One of the most promising alternative means of performing this type of inspection is the evaluation of the stress on the forged wheel rim by ultrasonic testing. The main purpose of this test is to detect the wheel rim stress variations. MWL Brasil, with UNICAMP (State University of Campinas)'s support, applied a stress analysis method by ultrasonic test, using longitudinal critically refracted waves (Lcr). The magnitude of stress found was compared with simulation in infinite elements presenting consistent results.

Author Information

José Minicuci, D
MWL Brasil Rodas & Eixos Ltda, Rodovia Vito Ardito, Km01, Caçapava-SP, Brazil
dos Santos Júnior, AA
University of Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecãnica da UNICAMP - Cidade Universitária ZeferinoVaz, s/n Campinas-SP, Brazil
Andrino, MH
University of Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecãnica da UNICAMP - Cidade Universitária ZeferinoVaz, s/n Campinas-SP, Brazil
de Carvalho Santos, F
University of Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecãnica da UNICAMP - Cidade Universitária ZeferinoVaz, s/n Campinas-SP, Brazil
Pages: 9
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE100149
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE100149