
In the Letter to the Editor, Subhash Arya comments on the utility of GenoFix™ for preserving DNA in tissues at room temperature for extended periods of time. Arya further notes that fixatives like GenoFix™ would be of "immense value to surgeons and allied health care personnel in developing countries in preserving numerous surgically excised tissues awaiting different DNA or RNA based molecular investigations even at far-off locations. In such countries, adverse environment seriously affects even the ordinary biochemical or immunological assays."

Author Information

Fregeau, CJ
National DNA Data Bank Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Fourney, RM
National DNA Data Bank Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Birnboim, HC
Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Pages: 1
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JFS2002258
ISSN: 0022-1198
DOI: 10.1520/JFS2002258