
In a recent issue of the Journal of Forensic Sciences, Fregeau et al. (1) described intriguing data on preservation of DNA from biopsy tissues by addition of GenoFix, a new alcohol-based tissue fixative. GenoFix ensured storage of tissues samples for short term tandem repeat DNA typing analysis even at room temperature for up to one year and seven months, or at —20°C in a freezer for up to 3 1/2 years. Certainly, GenoFix would exert an additive or even synergistic action along with RNA tissue preservatives to guarantee intact nucleic acid sequences in tissues awaiting either criminal investigations or mass disaster identifications. Prospective investigators would better ascertain the alcohol-based GenoFix was compatible with the commercially available aqueous stabilization solutions (RNAlater; Ambion).

Author Information

Arya, S
Parmanand Hospital, Delhi, India
Agarwal, N
Parmanand Hospital, Delhi, India
Pages: 1
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JFS2002257
ISSN: 0022-1198
DOI: 10.1520/JFS2002257