Journal Published Online: 01 January 1998
Volume 43, Issue 1

Application of Solid-Phase Microextraction to the Recovery of Organic Explosives



The application of solid-phase microextraction to the recovery of residues of organic explosives by headspace sampling is discussed. It was found that the technique was rapid and simple. Polydimethylsiloxane and polyacrylate resin were examined as adsorption phases and the latter was found to be more effective. It was found that non-volatile explosives (PETN, RDX, and TNT) should be extracted at about 100°. Acceptable limits of detection were achieved using bench top quadrupole mass spectrometry and short extraction times (about 30 min). Increasing the extraction times to many hours resulted in significantly enhanced detection. Desorption of PETN from the solid phase was found to induce some decomposition of the explosive, but the technique was still valuable for the analysis of this compound.

Author Information

Paul Kirkbride, K
Forensic Sciences Center, Adelaide, South Australia
Klass, G
University of South Australia, South Australia
Pigou, PE
Forensic Sciences Center, Adelaide, South Australia
Pages: 6
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JFS16093J
ISSN: 0022-1198
DOI: 10.1520/JFS16093J