Journal Published Online: 01 July 2000
Volume 45, Issue 4

A Novel Approach to Obtaining Reliable PCR Results from Luminol Treated Bloodstains



In recent years the forensic scientist has been afforded great advances in technology both in the detection of latent bloodstains and in acquiring reliable DNA typing results from very small pieces of physical evidence. Scientists are now able to detect minute quantities of latent bloodstains by utilizing the luminol reagent, oftentimes indicating that an attempt has been made to conceal any evidence of bloodshed. With the introduction of PCR based technology to the forensic arena, scientists are now routinely able to obtain DNA typing results from previously insufficient amounts of biological material, items as small as a single hair, saliva on a cigarette butt, or a bloodstain the size of a pin head. We present here a merging of these two advances coupled with a new collection medium for post luminol treated latent bloodstains. The forensic scientist is now able to routinely isolate and recover an adequate amount of DNA suitable for PCR typing at all of the Promega GenePrint® PowerPlex™ 1.1 loci. In this study, several dilutions of latent bloodstains were prepared in an effort to simulate transferred bloodstains that are routinely encountered in a crime scene setting. The latent bloodstains were treated with luminol and subsequently collected using conventional cotton tipped swabs as well as a Puritan™ sponge tipped swab. PCR typing at the Promega GenePrint® PowerPlex™ 1.1 loci was then attempted upon all dilutions of the latent bloodstains for both collection mediums. The results clearly indicate that it is now routinely possible to recover adequate amounts of DNA suitable for PCR typing upon post luminol treated bloodstains.

Author Information

Manna, AD
Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, Birmingham, AL
Montpetit, S
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Pages: 5
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JFS14790J
ISSN: 0022-1198
DOI: 10.1520/JFS14790J