Journal Published Online: 01 January 1997
Volume 42, Issue 1

Contribution of Microscopic Plant Anatomy to Postmortem Bone Dating



The authors describe a microscopical method of studying plant anatomy for estimating the age of vegetal organs which can help to date bones. This procedure was not based on counting the number of annual rings, as usually, but on demonstrating a completely primary structure without development of secondary formations; this material was considered as a part of a young root system whose development would correspond to about one year. The usefulness and limits of this procedure are discussed.

Author Information

Quatrehomme, G
Maire de Conférences des Universités, Laboratory of Forensic Medicine, Faculté de Médecine, Avenue de Vallombrose, Nice Cedex 2, France
Lacoste, A
Laboratory of Vegetal Biology, URA CNRS 1492 (National Center of Scientific Research), Université Paris-Sud, Batiment, Orsay Cedex, France
Bailet, P
Laboratory of Physical Anthropology, CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research), Draguignan, France
Grévin, G
Laboratory of Physical Anthropology, CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research), Draguignan, France
Ollier, A
Laboratory of Forensic Medicine, Faculté de Médecine, Avenue de Vallombrose, Nice Cedex 2, France
Pages: 4
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JFS14084J
ISSN: 0022-1198
DOI: 10.1520/JFS14084J