Journal Published Online: 21 August 2023
Volume 47, Issue 2

Compaction Characteristics of Organo-silane Treated Soils



The extent to which hydrophobic soils can be used in geotechnical engineering practice depends upon a commensurately increased understanding of how fundamental relationships apply in hydrophobic systems, such as moisture-density. This research is to determine the compaction characteristics of organo-silane (OS) treated soils using conventional geotechnical laboratory equipment. The intrinsic difficulty in lubricating hydrophobic soils, which would allow for rearrangement of particles and subsequent compaction, arises from their inherent low surface energy. This work describes a method for compacting OS treated soils that leverages the necessary conditions such as reaction time and drying conditions for achieving hydrophobicity. Procedural steps for compacting OS treated soils are detailed by making use of a water-soluble hydrophobizing agent added to a fine-grained soil. Based on the critical dosage ratio of 1:100 (hydrophobizing agent: soil) identified, a molding water content is defined constituting of a fraction of the hydrophobizing agent. Soil water content and dry density curves are developed using the standard Proctor and Harvard miniature to contrast the resulting effect of OS. Compared to the untreated soil, a decrease in optimum water content was observed with the OS treated soil regardless of compaction technique used. For the standard Proctor test, a decrease in optimum water content from 12.0 to 9.2 % was observed, whereas compaction with the Harvard miniature showed a marginal decrease from 9.3 to 9.0 %. With the untreated soil, a relatively larger maximum dry density (2.17 g/cm3) was obtained with the standard Proctor compared to the Harvard miniature (2.05 g/cm3). The protocol defined to compact OS treated soils has shown to induce hydrophobicity spatially within the sample depth. These results suggest that engineered water repellency can be implemented in so far as treatment and compaction are largely synchronous and prior to reaction and hydrophobization.

Author Information

Saulick, Yunesh
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA
Malisher, Mackenzie L.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA
Familusi, Adams
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA
Daniels, John L.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA
Pages: 13
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: GTJ20230390
ISSN: 0149-6115
DOI: 10.1520/GTJ20230390