Journal Published Online: 01 September 2012
Volume 35, Issue 6

Recent Developments in Faulting Simulators for Geotechnical Centrifuges



In addition to the dynamic effects of faulting that cause earthquake wave propagation, large-scale deformation of faulting is a hazard for structures near the fault. Analytical and numerical studies have been conducted on fault rupture propagation through soil deposits and soil-structure interactions such as buried pipelines and buildings. However, evaluating the results is difficult because well-documented field case histories are limited. Researchers resort to physical modeling and laboratory tests to address this deficiency. Because full-scale modeling is time consuming and costly, centrifuge modeling is the best option. The first step for centrifuge modeling of faulting is to design and manufacture a fault simulator in a centrifuge. In this paper, all available information about fault simulators worldwide is presented as an archive for researchers. A detailed report on the design and manufacture of the new fault simulator at the Univ. of Tehran is also presented and the testing of a simulated buried continuous pipeline subjected to normal and reverses faulting is discussed. The fault simulator results were shown to correspond to natural faulting deformation.

Author Information

Rojhani, Mahdi
Dept. of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, Tehran, IR
Moradi, Majid
Dept. of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, Tehran, IR
Ebrahimi, Mohammad
Galandarzadeh, Abbas
Dept. of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, Tehran, IR
Takada, Shiro
Dept. of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, Tehran, IR
Pages: 11
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: GTJ20120083
ISSN: 0149-6115
DOI: 10.1520/GTJ20120083