Journal Published Online: 01 March 2001
Volume 24, Issue 1

A Flat Dilatometer to Operate in Glacial Tills



The Marchetti flat dilatometer is a simple to operate in-situ testing device that was designed for use in clays, silts, and sands. A new dilatometer has been developed for use in a greater variety of soil types, in particular glacial tills. This probe is more robust than the Marchetti dilatometer because it uses a rigid piston instead of a flexible membrane to load the soil. The new dilatometer is also a research dilatometer incorporating a displacement transducer and pressure transducer. This allows an applied pressure displacement curve to be produced. Tests have been carried out at several sites to compare results from the two dilatometers, check the robustness of the new dilatometer, and produce data to establish new correlations.

Author Information

Akbar, A
University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Clarke, BG
University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Pages: 10
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: GTJ11281J
ISSN: 0149-6115
DOI: 10.1520/GTJ11281J