Journal Published Online: 18 November 2008
Volume 32, Issue 1

Indirect Diametrical Tensile Testing with Internal Displacement Measurement and Stiffness Determination



This paper examines the indirect diametrical tensile (IDT) testing method and its suitability for determining the tensile strength and stiffness modulus properties of a lightly cementitiously stabilized granular base material that are required for the design of a pavement structure involving this material. A new IDT testing setup with internal deformation measurement is presented in this paper. The suitability of this testing arrangement for determining the tensile strength and stiffness characteristics of a lightly stabilized granular base material was examined by studying the IDT strength and stiffness characteristics of two typical granular base materials stabilized with 3–5 % slag-lime and 1.5 % general blend cement-flyash. This study indicates that the internal deformation measurement setup presented in this paper for IDT testing is suitable for carrying out both monotonic and cyclic load IDT tests to determine the IDT strength, static stiffness modulus, and dynamic stiffness modulus properties of lightly cementitiously stabilized granular base materials reliably and consistently.

Author Information

Gnanendran, Carthigesu
School of Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of New South Wales @ ADFA, Canberra, Australia
Piratheepan, Jegatheesan
School of Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of New South Wales @ ADFA, Canberra, Australia
Pages: 10
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: GTJ101988
ISSN: 0149-6115
DOI: 10.1520/GTJ101988