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Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees

September 2023

ASTM International

100 Barr Harbor Drive

West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959


Standards for Materials, Products, Systems, and Services



1.1.1consensus, n — the judgment arrived at through the balloting and review procedures of these regulations.

Discussion — Specific guidelines for reaching consensus on each type of ballot or motion are provided in the individual voting procedures.

1.1.2member, n — an individual or an organization (or a primary division of an organization) that subscribes to the purposes of the Society, and maintains an active Society membership.

Discussion — Each organizational (or primary division) member shall designate one representative to officially exercise the rights and privileges of that membership.

Discussion — The use of the term "Chair" is intended to be non-gender specific throughout these Regulations. of membership — Open participation and the consensus process are core values and the principal strengths of standards development in ASTM International. To be successful, the consensus process depends on the ability of members to work together with an attitude of collaboration and collegiality in a safe and comfortable environment where all interactions are professional and members, participants and staff are treated with dignity and respect. Each member is expected to participate and contribute in good faith to the standardization activities undertaken by the committee(s) to which they belong. For additional information on the responsibilities of membership, see Appendix B.


— The purpose of the "Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees" is to provide a set of rules that will ensure the development of consensus standards in accordance with rigorous democratic procedures. Rules concerning the establishment and operations of technical committees are provided as well as criteria for ensuring a balance of interests within the membership. The Regulations also stipulate voting procedures and provide detailed requirements for the consideration of all negative votes.

1.2.1Technical Committees that submit standards to ANSI for approval as American National Standards shall also comply with the ANSI Essential Requirements.


— These Regulations are by the authority of the ASTM International Charter, Bylaws, and the Board of Directors. The Charter and Bylaws are a part of these Regulations and their more pertinent parts are included here.

1.4Society Principles

— The Society Bylaws Article 7:


7.1 The Board of Directors is empowered to develop procedures for the development and adoption of voluntary consensus standards in accordance with the following principles:

7.1.1 Timely and adequate notice of a proposed standard undertaking to all persons known to the Society to be likely to be materially affected by it.

7.1.2 Opportunity for all affected interests to participate in the deliberations, discussions, and decisions concerned both with procedural and substantive matters affecting the proposed standard.

7.1.3 Maintenance of adequate records of discussions, decisions, and technical data accumulated in standards development.

7.1.4 Timely publication and distribution of minutes of meetings of main and subcommittees.

7.1.5 Adequate notice of proposed actions.

7.1.6 Distribution of ballots to those eligible to vote.

7.1.7 Timely and full reports on results of balloting.

7.1.8 Careful attention to minority opinions throughout the process.

7.1.9 Maintenance of records of drafts of a proposed standard, proposed amendments, action on amendments, and final promulgation of the standard.

7.2 The procedures developed by the Board will go into effect upon a favorable ballot of two thirds of the technical committee chairs.

1.4.1Appeals procedures are available to all interests.

1.5The Committee on Technical Committee Operations (COTCO)

— A standing committee of the Society, COTCO has the following responsibilities as stated in its scope: ". . . develops and maintains the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, and . . . the interpretation and enforcement of these regulations . . ."

1.6Maintenance of Regulation

— These Regulations are prepared, maintained, and revised by COTCO, subject to Board approval, and a part of all committee bylaws. A committee has the option of enumerating its bylaws as subparts of the Regulations.

1.7Revisions of Regulations

— Any member may suggest revisions of these Regulations, and COTCO will rule on the merits of these during its regular meetings in accordance with its own bylaws. For adoption, each such revision shall first be offered to all committees for comment and input, and then to the Board of Directors for approval.

2ASTM Documents


2.1.1standard, n — as used in ASTM International, a document that has been developed and established within the consensus principles of the Society and that meets the approval requirements of ASTM procedures and regulations.

Discussion — The term “standard” serves in ASTM International as a nominative adjective in the title of documents, such as test methods or specifications, to connote specified consensus and approval. The various types of standard documents are based on the needs and usages as prescribed by the technical committees of the Society.


— The various types of ASTM documents are to provide a flexibility of form, communication, and usage for both the technical committees and the myriad users of ASTM documents. The type of ASTM document that is developed and titled is based on the technical content and intended use, not on the degree of consensus achieved. Standards can be of the following forms and types:

2.2.1classification, n — a systematic arrangement or division of materials, products, systems, or services into groups based on similar characteristics such as origin, composition, properties, or use.

2.2.2guide, n — a compendium of information or series of options that does not recommend a specific course of action.

Discussion — A guide increases the awareness of information and approaches in a given subject area.

2.2.3practice, n — a set of instructions for performing one or more specific operations that does not produce a test result.

Discussion — Examples of practices include, but are not limited to: application, assessment, cleaning, collection, decontamination, inspection, installation, preparation, sampling, screening, and training.

2.2.4specification, n — an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, system or service.

Discussion — Examples of specifications include, but are not limited to requirements for: physical, mechanical, or chemical properties, and safety, quality, or performance criteria. A specification identifies the test methods for determining whether each of the requirements is satisfied.

2.2.5terminology, n — a document comprising definitions of terms; explanations of symbols, abbreviations, or acronyms.

2.2.6test method, n — a definitive procedure that produces a test result.

Discussion — Examples of test methods include, but are not limited to: identification, measurement, and evaluation of one or more qualities, characteristics, or properties. A precision and bias statement shall be reported at the end of a test method. (Refer to Section A21 in the Form and Style for ASTM Standards on Precision and Bias.)

2.2.7Other types (forms) of documents, such as matrixes, charts, tables, reference radiographs, and reference photographs are relatively few and do not require specific definition. Use of such forms and types of documents should be decided upon by the sponsoring technical committees with approval from the Committee on Standards (COS).

3Formation, Merger, and Discharge of Committees


3.1.1balance, n — in a classified committee or subcommittee, when the combined number of voting user, consumer, and general interest members equals or exceeds the number of voting producer members.

3.1.2executive subcommittee, n — a group of committee members, which includes a committee's officers, established to provide direction to a committee.

Discussion — Executive subcommittee members may be either elected or appointed.

3.2Formation of New Committees

— The ASTM staff shall arrange for an organizational meeting to be announced by advertisement. A simple majority of the voting interests in attendance at this organizational meeting may recommend the establishment of a new committee. The meeting participants will develop a title, scope, and committee structure. These shall then be forwarded to the Committee on Technical Committee Operations (COTCO) for approval. Upon approval by COTCO, the establishment of the new committee will be recommended to the Board of Directors for action. The Board will direct that committees developing standards for materials, products, systems, or services that are offered for sale, be classified and balanced.

3.2.1Balance must be achieved before any standards are brought before a classified subcommittee or main committee for ballot.


— A chair, a vice-chair, a secretary and other officers, as the committee desires, shall be elected at the organizational meeting or as soon thereafter as practical.

3.4Committee Structure

— An executive subcommittee shall be established. Other technical and administrative subcommittees shall be established as needed.


— Each committee shall adopt, by ballot of the Committee, bylaws governing its operation. The Committee bylaws shall be consistent with these Regulations. Refer to Appendix for "Guidelines for Preparing Committee Bylaws." Bylaws shall be subject to approval by COTCO. Committee bylaws shall cover the following subjects and such others as a committee may desire:

3.5.1Statement of scope.

3.5.2Qualifications for membership, procedures for acceptance of members, and requirements for continuation of membership.

3.5.3On classified committees, a statement as to the method used for classification of voting interests.

3.5.4Procedure for nomination and election or appointment of officers of the committee and members of the executive subcommittee.

3.5.5Duties and responsibilities of the elected officers.

3.5.6Rules for the conduct of business and meetings, rules pertaining to proxies, and the requirements for a quorum.

3.5.7Duties, responsibilities, and composition of the executive subcommittee including the strategic planning function.

3.5.8Procedures for the operation of subcommittees to include a method of establishing the subcommittee, the subcommittee's scope, the appointment of officers and their tenure of office, and for submitting reports or minutes.

3.5.9Reference to the appropriate sections of these regulations concerning procedures for actions on standards.

3.5.10Procedures for amending the committee bylaws.

3.6Merger or Discharge of Committees

3.6.1Committees are merged or discharged by the Board of Directors. This may occur if the purpose of the committee would be better served in another existing main committee, upon completion of the work for which the committee was established, or as a result of inactivity.

3.6.2Determination of Inactivity — A committee is considered inactive if it fails to initiate new standardization activities, keep its standards up to date, hold meetings, or promote other activities that are consistent with the purpose of the Society. The ASTM staff will provide COTCO with an annual report on the status of technical committees.

3.6.3If a committee is inactive by the foregoing criteria and has not requested merger or discharge, COTCO will initiate an investigation which may lead to the following actions: officers, executive subcommittee members, and subcommittee chairs will be advised that a merger or discharge of the committee may be in order. A survey of the membership will be taken to determine their current interest in the committee's activities and opinion regarding merger with another committee or discharge. ballot of the committee membership will be conducted. The results of this ballot and any input from the committee will be given full consideration by COTCO. If a merger or discharge is recommended by COTCO, it will be forwarded to the Board.

3.6.4If the Board approves the merger or discharge of a committee, the following actions will be taken: the case of a merger, the membership and standards will be transferred automatically when the merger is approved. the case of a discharge, the standards within a committee will be transferred to an appropriate existing technical committee(s) if possible. Any remaining interested members will be encouraged to become active in that committee. If the standards cannot be reassigned to another committee(s), they will be placed under the custody of COS for a period not exceeding five years. During that period they will be published with appropriate notice of withdrawal. announcements and news releases describing the actions will be issued.

4Committee and Subcommittee Membership Assignment


— All individuals requesting membership on a main committee and all members who have a change of employment shall submit a completed application form. Upon receipt, Headquarters will place new members as pending on the main committee roster. A member who has a change in employment, without resignation from the committee, shall remain on the roster without an official vote pending determination of membership, classification (on a classified committee), and voting status.

4.1.1Applications are reviewed and provisions for official voting and assignment of classification (on a classified committee) are made by the membership secretary with review and approval by the executive subcommittee (follow Sections 6 and 7).


— Requests for subcommittee membership and notices of changes in employment are reviewed and provisions for official voting and assignment of classification (on a classified subcommittee) are determined by the subcommittee chair and reported to Headquarters (follow Sections 6 and 7).


— Applicants shall be approved for membership if they represent voting interests that produce, use, regulate, or procure a material, product, system, or service covered by the scope of the committee or subcommittee. Applicants may be approved for membership if they can document their expertise in or relevance to activities under the scope of the committee or subcommittee. Applicants failing to meet these requirements may be rejected for membership.

4.3.1Denial of membership, assignment of classification (on a classified subcommittee or main committee) and voting interest, and provisions for official voting on a subcommittee or main committee may be appealed to the committee’s executive subcommittee and then, if necessary, to COTCO.


— There shall be no limitation on the number of members on a committee or its subcommittees, except for administrative subcommittees. The executive subcommittee may stipulate in its bylaws, subject to COTCO approval, a maximum number of subcommittees a member may join. (This is intended to avoid excessive inactivity at subcommittee level.)


— A member of a committee or subcommittee shall be an individual member (including affiliates) of the Society or the official representative of an organizational membership. There is no requirement for Society membership to participate in task group activities.

4.6Affiliate Member

— A person who is invited by a committee to participate on a committee and subcommittee of the Society because of special knowledge either as a technically qualified individual or an ultimate consumer.

4.6.1Affiliate members shall be considered for approval by the executive subcommittee, and reapproved on an annual basis.


— Membership shall be terminated for lapse of Society membership.

5Termination of Committee or Subcommittee Official Vote

5.1A main committee member’s official vote may be terminated for failure to return main committee ballots. Notices of failure to return main committee ballots and pending termination of official votes shall be sent by Headquarters. Failure to return three consecutive main committee ballots shall result in termination of official votes in the absence of circumstances acceptable to the executive subcommittee.

5.1.1The committee member may appeal first to the executive subcommittee and then, if necessary, to COTCO for consideration of reinstatement of the official vote.

5.2A subcommittee member’s official vote may be terminated for failure to return subcommittee ballots. Notice of failure to return subcommittee ballots and pending termination of official votes shall be sent by Headquarters. Failure to return three consecutive subcommittee ballots shall result in termination of official votes in the absence of circumstances acceptable to the subcommittee chair.

5.2.1 The subcommittee member may appeal to the subcommittee chair and then, if necessary, to the committee's executive subcommittee for consideration of reinstatement of the official vote.



6.1.1official vote, n — in a committee or subcommittee, one cast by an official voting member on a ballot or motion, and that is used for calculating the numerical voting requirements of these regulations.

6.1.2voting interest, n — an organization, a subsidiary of an organization, or an unassociated individual member having a distinctly separate interest from any other interest with regard to the scope of a committee or subcommittee.

Discussion — Committees are encouraged to further clarify voting interest in their bylaws, where appropriate.

6.1.3subsidiary, n — of an organization, an operational unit that functions in a nearly autonomous fashion.

Discussion — Examples are the research or marketing departments of a corporation; different branches of a university; the production or manufacturing committees of an association; the various agencies in either state or federal governments.

6.1.4official voting member, n — of a committee or subcommittee, a member who has the official vote on ballots and motions concerned with ASTM standards.

6.1.5non-official voting member, n — of a committee or subcommittee, a member whose votes and comments on all ballots or motions shall be fully considered, but whose votes are not included in the calculation of the numerical voting requirements for standards.

6.2Voting Privileges

— Every ASTM member is entitled to vote on all Society Review items as well as on each ballot of a main committee and subcommittee to which the member belongs. All negatives and comments received from all ballot returns, including those from non-official voting members, shall be considered in accordance with these regulations.

6.2.1The ballots submitted by all members shall be counted in administrative actions, such as election of officers and amendments to bylaws.

6.3Provisions for Official Voting

— A main committee or subcommittee member shall be given official voting status unless:

6.3.1The member’s voting interest already has been granted one official vote.

6.3.2Acceptance will create an imbalance on classified committees or subcommittees.

6.3.3The member’s vote has been terminated as a result of the provisions in Section 5.

6.4Change in Employment

— A member who has a change in employment, without resignation from the committee, shall remain on the roster without an official vote subject to review by the executive subcommittee for determination of classification and voting status.

7Classification of Committee Members


— On classified committees and subcommittees, members shall be classified according to voting interest. The classification of a member at main committee may be different from the classification at subcommittee level; however, a member classified on any subcommittee as a producer shall be classified as a producer on the main committee. (See Section 4 for Committee and Subcommittee Membership Assignment.)

7.1.1Producer — A member who represents a voting interest that produces or sells materials, products, systems, or services covered in the committee or subcommittee scope.

7.1.2User — A member who represents a voting interest that purchases or uses materials, products, systems, or services other than for consumer use (See 7.1.3) covered in the committee or subcommittee scope provided that the member could not also be classified as a producer.

7.1.3Consumer — A member who primarily uses, purchases or represents those who use or purchase products and services for personal or non-commercial use within the committee or subcommittee scope.

Discussion — Example Consumer classifications can include both end-consumers and consumer advocates who use, or represent those who use, goods or services for personal, social, family, household use and similar needs, and cannot be classified under another interest category.

7.1.4General Interest — A member who cannot be categorized as a producer, user, or consumer.

Discussion — User and general interest classifications are composed of multiple interest categories such as government, academia, testing laboratories, consultants, etc., and no one of the interest categories constitutes a majority of the total committee membership.


7.2.1A member serving as a consultant retained by a voting interest, whereby the arrangement includes representing it on an ASTM committee or subcommittee, shall be considered the same classification and voting interest as that by which the member is retained

7.2.2A member serving as a consultant for multiple voting interests of exclusively the same classification shall be classified in accordance with those voting interests’ principal business activities.

7.3Trade Associations

7.3.1A trade association for multiple organizations of exclusively the same classification shall be classified in accordance with those organizations’ principal business activities.

7.3.2A trade association consisting of a single member organization shall have the same classification and voting interest as that member organization.

8Classification of Committees

8.1General Requirements

— In keeping with Section 7.1.2 of the Society Bylaws, committees and subcommittees developing standards dealing with materials, products, systems, or services which are offered for sale are required to be classified and balanced. Classified subcommittees shall consist of not less than three producers and not less than three non-producers.

8.2Classification Systems

8.2.1General Classification System —  Each member of a committee or subcommittee has one classification in accordance with Section 7.

8.2.2Multiple Classification System — Each member of a committee or subcommittee has two or more classifications in accordance with Section 7. Multiple classification of committee members may be used when balance cannot be achieved on the main committee under the general classification system, for example, when several products or services are listed in the scope of the committee. The multiple classification system allows the executive subcommittee to classify committee members into two or more groups, each addressing a separate part of the scope. These groups shall then be balanced.

8.2.3Other Classification Systems — A committee may adopt its own system for classification, with the approval of COTCO.

8.3Annual Review

— Each classified committee shall provide for annual review of the classification of its official voting members to allow appropriate changes to be made, taking into account changes in the nature of the committee's scope or changes in the interests of its members.

9Rules for Conduct of Business

9.1Open Meetings

— The meetings of committees and subcommittees shall be open to visitors when technical matters relating to the development of standards are to be discussed.

9.2Closed Meetings

— It is permissible to hold closed meetings of executive subcommittees when technical matters relating to the development of standards are not discussed.


— All members of committees and subcommittees shall receive calls to meetings, minutes, and related committee material.


— Minutes of all committee and subcommittee meetings shall be developed and provided to ASTM Headquarters.

Discussion — Minutes should contain a summary of the status of standards, resolution of negatives, and action items. Minutes should not be developed as a transcript of actual discussions.


9.5.1 To vote via proxy at a subcommittee or main committee meeting, an official voting member shall designate any member from the applicable subcommittee or main committee or an individual from the official voting member’s voting interest (see Section 6 on Definitions).

9.5.2To vote via proxy, an official voting member shall personally contact the individual whom the member wishes to exercise the proxy and shall complete a duly executed ASTM International proxy form provided in Appendix C.

9.5.3The signed and duly executed ASTM International proxy form shall be mailed, e-mailed as a scanned attachment, faxed by the official voting member or hand delivered by the proxy holder to the chair of each committee or subcommittee prior to the applicable meeting or action.

9.5.4An ASTM International proxy form may be used to designate a proxy for meetings of a single main committee and all, or some, of its subcommittees. A single proxy form cannot designate proxies for meetings of multiple main committees.

9.5.5The solicitation of proxies from official voting members is prohibited. Solicited proxies will not be accepted.

9.5.6No voting interest shall hold or exercise proxies for more than one official voting member in any subcommittee or main committee meeting.

9.6Election of Officers

— Each committee shall elect officers by a ballot concluded before December 31 of the odd-numbered years. Eligibility criteria, procedures and time frame for the nomination and election of officers shall be prescribed in the committee's bylaws. An announcement of the formation of the nominating committee and a request for the submission of candidates shall be made at the meeting preceding the final report of the nominating committee and the presentation of the slate of officers. Nominations from the floor will be accepted immediately following the presentation of the slate. The final slate of nominees, including their voting interests and classifications shall be sent to ballot vote of the committee. ASTM Headquarters shall conduct the elections and report the results to the committee. The term of office shall be two years beginning January 1 and terminating December 31 of the second year. Officers are eligible for election to not more than three consecutive terms in one office. No two officers of a committee shall represent the same voting interest.

9.7Recording at ASTM Meetings

— Electronic recording of ASTM meetings is prohibited. Educational events, such as training sessions, symposia, workshops, and seminars, may be recorded with ASTM approval.

10General Procedures on Standards


10.1.1adjunct, n — data or material that supplements and supports a standard which due to its size, volume, physical makeup, or nature, is not included in the text of a standard, but is made available separately.

Discussion — An adjunct contains additional information that may be either a mandatory or non-mandatory part of the standard. (Examples of adjuncts are detailed drawings, charts, technical data, reference radiographs and photographs, video, software packages, or any three-dimensional material.)

10.1.2task group, n — an ad-hoc group operating in an unofficial capacity for the subcommittee for a specific activity.

Discussion —  If appropriate, a timetable for completion may be established. Society or Committee membership is not required, but the task group is encouraged to represent a balance of interests wherever possible and appropriate. Formal balloting is not required at the task group level. Discharge may occur with completion or cause to abandon the activity.

10.2Task Groups

10.2.1Task groups are established by the subcommittee chair or by majority approval of the official voting members of the subcommittee either at a meeting or by ballot.

10.2.2Discharge requires concurrence of the task group chair and subcommittee chair or majority approval of the official voting members of the subcommittee either at a meeting or by ballot.

10.2.3Other than establishment and discharge, there are no requirements for task groups.

10.3Actions Requiring Subcommittee and Main Committee Ballot and Society Review

10.3.1 Approval of New Standards and Revisions of New Standards.

10.3.2 Revision of Standards.

10.3.3 Withdrawal of Standards.

10.4Actions Requiring Main Committee Ballot and Society Review Only

10.4.1Reapproval of Standards — If approved by a motion passed by the subcommittee, or by authorization of the subcommittee chair, reapprovals shall be issued to main committee ballot and Society Review (follow Section 12 and 13).

10.5Jurisdiction of Standards

10.5.1Responsibility for assigning subcommittee jurisdiction of a standard resides with the executive subcommittee of the originating technical committee.

10.5.2Responsibility for the jurisdiction of a standard resides with the originating technical subcommittee. change in jurisdiction of a standard shall be approved by a majority of the official voting members of the currently responsible technical subcommittee and of the technical subcommittee receiving jurisdiction, either at a meeting or by ballot. The respective executive subcommittee(s) shall approve the change in jurisdiction and submit all documentation of this process to ASTM Headquarters. responsibility for resolving jurisdictional appeals initially resides with the respective executive subcommittee(s) and then, if necessary, with the Committee on Standards (COS).

10.6Review of Standards

10.6.1Coordination with Other Committees — In the development of standards, the committee should maintain liaison representation and cooperation with other committees when mutual interests or possible conflicts exist. The committee shall provide review of its standards to other related or interested committees or to committees offering particular expertise on sections of standards if requested.

10.6.2Revisions to Standards — Revisions can be proposed at any time and shall be considered by the responsible subcommittee.

10.6.3Frequency of Review — A standard should be reviewed in its entirety by the responsible subcommittee and shall be balloted for reapproval, revision (in part or in its entirety), or withdrawal within five years of its last approval date. If the standard has not received a new approval date by December 31 of the eighth year since the last approval date, the standard will be withdrawn, unless there are unresolved main committee negative votes (see Section a standard has not received a new approval date by December 31 of the eighth year and there are unresolved main committee negative vote(s), the negative vote(s) will be handled in accordance with Section 12 Main Committee Balloting Procedures and Section 14 Committee on Standards (COS) Review. If the negative vote(s) are not successfully resolved, the standard will be withdrawn.

10.6.4Editorial Changes — Editorial changes may be made at any time without a requirement for ballot. changes are of two types: (1) those which introduce no change in technical content, but correct typographical errors, modify editorial style, change non-technical information, or reduce ambiguity, and (2) those which correct typographical errors in substance (essential information that could be misused). In the latter case, the year designation of the standard is changed.


10.7.1A single page for each withdrawn standard shall appear for three years in the printed volume of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, providing the title, scope, former committee jurisdiction, reason for withdrawal, any replacement, and the date of withdrawal.

Discussion — Withdrawn standards and the above information may also be available at www.astm.org.

10.8Form and Style

— The current edition of the Form and Style for ASTM Standards shall be followed in the writing of new standards, revisions, and reapprovals. Where technical consideration precludes such compliance, COS may allow exceptions upon request by a committee, if supported by appropriate justification.

10.9Annexes and Appendixes

— The addition of new or the revision of existing annexes and appendixes to standards shall conform to the requirements of subcommittee, and main committee ballots.


— An adjunct to a standard shall be approved through the balloting process. A description and, if possible, a photocopy/drawing of the adjunct shall be included in the ballot. In the event that the adjunct cannot be adequately reviewed by means of a ballot, an inspection/review of the adjunct shall be conducted.

10.10.1The production of adjuncts is the responsibility of ASTM. Inform ASTM Headquarters prior to balloting adjuncts so that it can be determined if the adjunct can be developed.

10.10.2An adjunct shall be available at the time of publication of the standard.

11Subcommittee Balloting Procedures

11.1Issuance of Subcommittee Ballot

11.1.1Subcommittee chairs or their designees are authorized to initiate and conduct a subcommittee ballot. A ballot may also be authorized by a motion passed by a majority1of official voting members at a subcommittee meeting.

11.1.2The ballot shall indicate a closing date, which shall be not less than 30 days after the issue date, or as soon thereafter as a 60% return is achieved.

11.1.3Each ballot item shall be accompanied by a rationale. The ballot item and rationale shall be sent to the staff manager at ASTM Headquarters.

11.2Subcommittee Ballot Voting Requirements

11.2.1An affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by official voting members is required with not less than 60% of the official voting members returning ballots.

11.2.2All statements from non-members of the subcommittee will be forwarded to the responsible technical subcommittee for consideration and the non-member will be notified of this action. These statements do not affect the outcome of the ballot.

11.2.3All ballots received after the closing date, or as soon thereafter as a 60% return is achieved, will be considered as not having been returned and may affect voting status (see Section 5). All statements accompanying these ballots will be forwarded to the subcommittee for information and the voter will be notified of this action.

11.3Statements Accompanying Votes

11.3.1All written statements accompanying ballots received prior to the closing date, or as soon thereafter before a 60% return is achieved, shall be considered.

11.3.2 Negative Votes: votes shall be accompanied by a written statement(s). votes shall be acted upon in accordance with the Regulations, regardless of voting status (see Section 6).

11.4Subcommittee Handling of Negative Votes

11.4.1A negative vote may be withdrawn by the negative voter at any time, unless the item is removed from ballot. A withdrawn negative vote allows the item to proceed, in the absence of an unresolved or a persuasive negative vote. A withdrawn negative vote is counted as affirmative unless specified by the voter as an abstention.

11.4.2Negative votes received on subcommittee ballots shall be acted upon either (1) at a meeting of the subcommittee, or (2) by ballot of the subcommittee. Section 11.1.1 provides for authorization of subcommittee ballots on negative votes. (For motions for handling negative votes see Section 11.4.3). The written statements accompanying the negative votes are available to the subcommittee members prior to a subcommittee action on those negative votes. subcommittee ballot includes the date and place of the next committee meeting. the negative vote is submitted to a subcommittee ballot for disposition, there is no percent return requirement and negative votes do not require written statements or further consideration. The written statement accompanying each negative vote, as submitted in the ballot return, and the reasons for recommending the negative vote be found not persuasive or not related shall be included in the ballot.

11.4.3 Motions for Handling Negative Votes: — All motions for handling negative votes shall include an explanation of the reasons for the action. Related Motions — A motion at a meeting, or via ballot, to find a negative vote not related to the item being balloted requires an affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by the official voting members. Negative votes found to be not related shall not be factored into the percent affirmative requirements for consensus. The subcommittee shall treat the unrelated negative as an item of new business. Persuasive Motions — A motion at a meeting, or via ballot, to find a negative vote not persuasive requires an affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by the official voting members. If the motion or ballot fails, the balloted item is removed from the ballot.

11.4.4 Removal of Item from Ballot: item is removed from ballot if the subcommittee taking action does not offer a motion to declare the negative vote not persuasive or not related. response to a negative vote, an item may be removed from ballot by agreement of the task group chair and subcommittee chair for rework and reballot before the next meeting.

11.4.5Documentation of Actions on Negatives — Actions on all negative votes including the vote record and accompanying subcommittee reasons shall be recorded in the subcommittee minutes. The negative voters shall be notified of these actions.

11.5Submission of Subcommittee Items for Main Committee Ballot

11.5.1When an item has been successfully balloted, the subcommittee shall submit the item with its rationale for main committee ballot. The submittal shall include: (1) the numerical results of the subcommittee ballot, (2) the name and affiliation of all negative voters, (3) the statements accompanying negative ballots, and (4) the disposition of all negative votes including reasons.

11.5.2A subcommittee chair may, with the approval of the main committee chair, submit an item to main committee ballot prior to subcommittee consideration of subcommittee negative votes on that item. The submittal shall include items (1), (2), and (3) of 11.5.1 and the subcommittee chair's reasons for proceeding in this manner.

11.6Submission of Revisions, Withdrawals, and New Standards for Concurrent Ballot

11.6.1Issuance of a Concurrent Ballot — Ballots for revisions and withdrawals, or new standards that have undergone at least one subcommittee ballot, can be issued concurrently. On concurrent ballots, the main committee ballot return serves also as the subcommittee ballot return. A ballot of the subcommittee and the main committee may be issued concurrently when approved by the main committee chair or by a majority2 of the main committee members either at a main committee meeting or by ballot and by the subcommittee chair or by a majority2 of the subcommittee members either at a subcommittee meeting or by ballot. Each concurrent ballot item shall be accompanied by a rationale. Concurrent ballots shall not be issued for initial balloting of new standards unless the conditions as outlined in Section 11.7 are met.

11.6.2Negative Votes on Concurrent Ballots — In concurrent ballots, subcommittee, main committee and Society negative votes shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of 12.4.

11.7Procedure for Rapid Balloting of New Standards

11.7.1To meet a demand for more rapid issuance of specific new standards, such as an emergency situation, regulatory requirement, or other special circumstance, permission for the initial balloting of new standards concurrently requires an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by official voting members of the subcommittee either at a meeting or by ballot, and approval by the main committee chair.

11.7.2The ballot item shall be accompanied by a rationale for balloting concurrently and background information regarding the proposed ballot action.

11.7.3Subcommittee, main committee, and Society negative votes shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of 11.4. No further action is required by the main committee.

11.7.4If a reballot is necessary, follow 11.7.2 and 11.7.3.

1Greater than 50% of affirmative and negative votes cast.

2Greater than 50% of affirmative and negative votes cast.

12Main Committee Balloting Procedures

12.1Issuance of Main Committee Ballot

12.1.1Upon completion of a subcommittee ballot, each item that has been approved in accordance with the requirements of Section 11 shall be submitted to ASTM Headquarters for ballot of the main committee. All main committee ballots shall be conducted by ASTM Headquarters.

12.1.2The ballot shall indicate a closing date, which shall be not less than 30 days after the issue date, or as soon thereafter as a 60% return is achieved.

12.1.3The main committee ballot shall include the information required in 11.5 or 11.6.

12.2Main Committee Ballot Voting Requirements

12.2.1An affirmative vote of at least 90% of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by official voting members is required with not less than 60% of the official voting members returning ballots.

12.2.2All statements from non-members of the society will be forwarded to the responsible technical subcommittee for consideration and the non-member will be notified of this action. These statements do not affect the outcome of the ballot.

12.2.3All ballots received after the closing date, or as soon thereafter as a 60% return is achieved, will be considered as not having been returned and may affect voting status (see Section 5). All statements accompanying these ballots will be forwarded to the subcommittee for information and the voter notified of this action.

12.3Statements Accompanying Votes

— Follow 11.3.

12.4Main Committee Handling of Negative Votes

— Follow 11.4.3 and 11.4.4.

12.4.1A negative vote may be withdrawn by the negative voter at any time, unless the item is removed from ballot. A withdrawn negative vote allows the item to proceed, in the absence of an unresolved or a persuasive negative vote. A withdrawn negative vote is counted as affirmative unless specified by the voter as an abstention.

12.4.2Negative Votes Not Previously Considered — Negative votes received on main committee or concurrent ballots shall be first considered by the subcommittee that initiated the ballot item in accordance with 11.4.2 and then by the main committee or concurrently by the subcommittee and the main committee. The ballot includes the date and place of the next committee meeting. a subcommittee has declared a negative vote to be not persuasive or not related, this action shall be reported to the main committee together with a record of the vote and the reason for the action taken by the subcommittee. Acceptance of the subcommittee recommendation by the main committee requires an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by the official voting members on the action either at a main committee meeting or by main committee ballot. To initiate a ballot of the main committee requires approval by a majority of official voting members at a meeting of the main committee or authorization by the main committee chair. The written statement accompanying each negative vote, as submitted in the ballot return, and the reasons for recommending the negative vote be found not persuasive or not related shall be included in the ballot. When acted upon by main committee ballot, there is no percent return requirement and negative votes do not require written statements or further consideration. initiate a concurrent ballot requires approval by a majority of official voting members at a meeting of the main committee or authorization by the main committee chair and either approval by a majority of official voting members at a subcommittee meeting or authorization by the subcommittee chair. The written statement(s) accompanying each negative vote and the reasons for recommending the negative vote be found not persuasive or not related shall be included in the ballot. There is no percent return requirement and negative votes do not require written statements or further consideration. Acceptance requires an affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by the official voting members for both the subcommittee and main committee, independently. Failure to achieve at least two thirds affirmative at either level constitutes failure of the motion.

12.4.3If substantive changes are to be made, the revised document shall be reballoted at all levels.

12.5Negative Votes Previously Considered

12.5.1When a main committee (or Society) negative vote introduces the same reasons as those contained in a subcommittee negative vote which was previously considered and found not persuasive or not related by the subcommittee, the subcommittee chair may recommend that further consideration of the negative by the subcommittee is not required provided that the voting requirements specified in 11.2 and 12.2 have been met. The subcommittee chair shall report this determination to the subcommittee at its next meeting. The subcommittee’s non-persuasive action must be upheld by the main committee in order to be approved. The required documentation includes (1) the statement accompanying the negative vote, (2) consideration given by the subcommittee, and (3) the subcommittee's and main committee's votes on the action. The documentation shall have been included in minutes from a previous subcommittee meeting and attached to the ballot item.

12.5.2When a main committee (or Society) negative vote introduces the same reasons as those contained in a main committee (or Society) negative vote which was previously considered and found not persuasive or not related by the subcommittee and upheld by the main committee, the subcommittee chair may recommend that further consideration of the negative is not required provided that the voting requirements specified in 11.2 and 12.2 have been met. The subcommittee chair shall report this determination to the subcommittee and the main committee at their next meetings. The required documentation includes (1) the statement accompanying the negative vote, (2) consideration given by the subcommittee, and (3) the subcommittee's and main committee's votes on the action. The documentation shall either have been included in minutes from a previous subcommittee meeting or attached to the ballot item.

12.6Confirming Ballot

— Any negative voter whose negative has been found not persuasive by the vote of the subcommittee at a meeting, and then upheld by the vote of the main committee at a meeting, shall be notified of the disposition by ASTM Headquarters. The negative voter may request in writing a confirming ballot of the subcommittee having jurisdiction. This request shall be made to ASTM Headquarters within 30 days after notification of the disposition of the negative. The subcommittee chair shall promptly prepare a subcommittee ballot. Approval to confirm the subcommittee's action requires an affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by official voting members with no minimum percent return requirement. A letter explaining the circumstances of the request shall accompany the ballot. This ballot shall be conducted by ASTM Headquarters. Upon completion of this subcommittee ballot with the required affirmative vote count, the item may proceed. If the ballot fails, the negative vote is considered to be persuasive and the item is removed from ballot. Ballot results shall be furnished to the main and subcommittee chairs, and to COS.

12.7Documentation of Actions on Negative Votes

— A statement of the reason(s) for the action(s) taken on negative votes and a record of the vote shall be recorded in the main committee minutes. Subcommittee documentation of main committee negative votes shall be in accordance with 11.4.5.

12.8Notification of Disposition of Negative Votes

— For items passing main committee ballot, main committee (and Society Review) negative voters who have been found not persuasive or not related shall be notified by ASTM Headquarters in writing as to the disposition of their negative votes and their rights to appeal. This notification shall include the not persuasive or not related rationale and subcommittee and main committee vote counts.

13Society Review of Main Committee Ballot Items

13.1Items submitted for main committee or concurrent ballot will also appear on the ASTM Web site for Society Review. Each member of the Society is entitled to vote on the items.

13.2The deadline date for receipt of society comments or negatives will be published on the Society Review.

13.3Written statements accompanying negative or affirmative votes, from members or non-members, received by the deadline date will be considered in accordance with Section 12.

13.4Written statements accompanying negative or affirmative votes, received after the deadline date will be forwarded to the subcommittee for information and the voter notified of this action.

14Committee on Standards (COS) Review

14.1Consideration by COS

— All not persuasive and not related actions for items passing main committee ballot shall be reviewed by COS. This review includes the negative vote, the not persuasive or not related rationale and vote counts (including any confirming ballot vote counts). If COS determines that the procedural requirements of the Society have been satisfied, the standard is approved for publication.

14.2COS Procedural Appeals

— Pursuant to 14.1, the negative voters who feel their negative vote was not handled in accordance with the Regulations may appeal to COS.

15Patents in Standards

15.1The committee shall make an initial determination that a patented item (a material, product, process, or apparatus or constituent thereof) is required for inclusion in a proposed or draft standard. The committee shall, prior to the initial ballot, make efforts to determine whether alternatives to the patented item exist. If an alternative(s) exists, no reference to the patented item will be made.

15.1.1The committee shall include with the ballot a statement of willingness to consider alternatives and a request for identification of alternatives to patented items. If an alternative(s) is identified, the committee shall reconsider whether the patented item is required and, if not, reference to the patented item will be removed.

15.2When an approved standard requires the use of a patented material, product, or apparatus, the standard shall include a footnote requesting interested parties to submit information regarding the identification of alternatives to the patented items. The committee will promptly consider all identified alternatives.

15.2.1If the committee determines that an alternative exists, the reference to the patented item, by name and number, shall be deleted from the standard by ballot.

15.2.2References to patented items in ASTM standards shall comply with Section F3 of the Form and Style for ASTM Standards.

15.3Disclaimer of Liability as to Patented Inventions — Neither ASTM nor any ASTM committee shall be responsible for identifying all patents under which a license is required in using an ASTM document or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity of those patents which are brought to the Society's attention. Where applicable, an ASTM document shall include a note worded as follows: ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard.

Users of this standard* are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

15.4ASTM standards submitted to ANSI for approval as American National Standards shall conform to the ANSI patent policy. The ANSI patent policy may be obtained on the ANSI website.

16ASTM Official Statements or Responses to Government Agencies and Other Organizations

16.1There are occasions when ASTM may be called upon, or may volunteer, to respond to government agencies, regulatory bodies, or other organizations in matters of standardization. Regardless of where the decision to prepare a statement or response may have originated, all such statements and responses shall be prepared in writing by the appropriate entity (ASTM committee, subcommittee, section or task group, or Society standing committee or ad hoc group) and transmitted to ASTM Headquarters. The decision shall be approved by the executive subcommittee of the parent committee. The letter of transmittal shall be prepared by the ASTM Board of Directors or the President, or both.

16.2Official statements or responses shall have achieved the consensus of the originating entity, and the response report should so state. The report should include a clear designation as to the jurisdictional entity submitting the response.

16.3The official statement or response shall remain unchanged as submitted by the given ASTM entity, and the preface prepared by the Board of Directors or the President should be reviewed by the originating entity. Copies of the official response shall be forwarded to the originating entity at the same time the response is sent to the government agency, regulatory body, or organization.



— Documents (see Section 2), technical papers, reports, minutes, letters to the editor, and related materials shall be released for publication only through ASTM Headquarters.

17.2Publicity and News Statements

— Items covering committee activities are regularly released by ASTM Headquarters. If publicity releases or other statements are prepared by committees, they shall be cleared through ASTM Headquarters before release. Committee members who are representatives of the press shall clear news statements covering committee actions with the appropriate committee officers and with ASTM Headquarters before publication.

18Committee Expenses, Funds, and Contracts

18.1Committee Funds Generated by Voluntary Contributions within Committee Membership

— With the approval of the executive subcommittee, committees may raise funds from their members through voluntary contributions. These funds may be used for committee activities, such as, costs of committee meetings, awards, and travel. All such committee funds collected shall be deposited with the Society to the credit of the committee.

18.1.1Disbursement — ASTM Headquarters will make Disbursement with the approval of the committee chair and authorization by the executive subcommittee in accordance with the Society Regulations Governing Finance. ASTM Headquarters shall provide a financial statement annually to the committee.

18.1.2Voluntary Contributions — Payment of voluntary contributions as authorized in this section shall not be required as a condition of committee membership, committee meeting attendance, or participation in committee work.

18.1.3Salaries and Fees—Committees shall not pay salaries or professional fees in any form to any committee or subcommittee officer to carry out the responsibilities of their ASTM activities.

18.2Committee Fund Solicitations for Special Projects Not Limited to Committee Membership

18.2.1Proposal Preparation — Committees that identify the need to raise funds in order to support special projects shall follow the Guidelines for Fund Solicitation and Management of Funded Projects which may be obtained from ASTM Staff. All such committee funds shall be deposited with the Society and accounted for by ASTM Staff.


— No person has the authority to negotiate or execute any contract on behalf of ASTM, or obligate ASTM to an expense, except for the President of ASTM or a designee thereof.

19Antitrust Policy

19.1General — ASTM is the standards forum of choice of a diverse range of individuals, companies and industries that come together under the auspices of ASTM to solve standardization challenges by developing consensus standards for their industries.

19.1.1ASTM and its members are subject to federal (including Sherman Act, Clayton Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, and Robinson-Patman Act), state, and possibly antitrust/competition laws of countries other than the US. It is important for ASTM members and employees to be aware that they may be held liable for antitrust conspiracy by merely attending a meeting with inappropriate discussion (i.e. illegal price-fixing) even if not an active participant. See Section for additional information. ASTM meeting attendees should formally object whenever an inappropriate topic for an ASTM meeting is engaged.

19.1.2In carrying out its standardization objectives, it is ASTM's policy, to which no exception is made, that all ASTM activities shall be conducted in strict conformity with applicable antitrust laws. ASTM will not condone any violation of its policy in this regard, and any member or employee who violates such policy will be subject to expulsion or discharge from ASTM.

19.2 Guidelines for Antitrust Compliance.

19.2.1Membership — Membership in ASTM or a committee shall not be denied to any qualified company or individual. No person shall be unreasonably excluded from participating in ASTM activities. (See Regulations Sections 4.3 and 4.4)

19.2.2 Meetings. technical committee meetings of ASTM committees are open to visitors and there is no fee to attend. (See Regulations Sections 9.1) detailed agenda should be prepared for each meeting planned by or on behalf of ASTM. shall be scheduled in advance and members shall be notified (See Regulations Section 9.3). minutes should be kept of all ASTM-sponsored meetings. The minutes of the preceding meeting should be approved before the start of the following meeting. If the proposed minutes were not accessible prior to the meeting, they should be accessible after approval. should be no discussion or exchange of any information by or among competitors concerning:

  1. 1.prices, price changes, price quotations, pricing policies, discounts, payment terms, credit, allowances, or terms or conditions of sale;

  2. 2.profits, profit margins or cost data;

  3. 3.market shares, sales territories or markets;

  4. 4.the allocation of customers or territories;

  5. 5.selection, rejection or termination of customers or suppliers;

  6. 6.restricting the territory or markets in which a company may resell services or products;

  7. 7.restricting the customers to whom a company may sell;

  8. 8.unreasonable restrictions on the development or use of materials or technologies;

  9. 9.any matter which is inconsistent with the proposition that each company/individual must exercise its independent business judgment in pricing its services or products, dealing with its customers and suppliers and choosing the markets in which it will compete.

19.2.3Record Retention — ASTM has a formal record retention policy for its official records. Records should reflect a factual, objective and business-like account of the activities of ASTM without retaining insignificant or outdated information. Notes taken at meetings and drafts of documents are discarded.

19.2.4Official ASTM Communications — All official ASTM correspondence, on ASTM letterhead, by anyone in any official ASTM capacity, must comply with the Regulations, Section 16. Any official ASTM communication being proposed as an ASTM position (email, letter, telecommunication, etc.), must first be reviewed and approved by ASTM staff.

19.2.5Standards — Neither ASTM nor any committee, subcommittee or task group thereof shall make any effort to bring about the standardization of any product or service for the purpose or with the effect of (a) preventing the manufacture or sale of any product or service not conforming to a specified standard or (b) artificially (without legitimate business justification) inflating the price at which a product or service may be offered for sale or sold.

19.3Any ASTM member or participant having any questions or concerns regarding the propriety of any activity being conducted by or on behalf of ASTM in light of this Antitrust Policy is encouraged to contact the ASTM staff manager of the specific committee, the Vice President of Technical Committee Operations, ASTM’s General Counsel or its President. It is the intent and policy of ASTM to encourage such inquiries so that compliance with this policy may be ensured.

Summary of Changes

The following changes were made since the October 2002 edition and published in the October 2003 edition:

Revision of Section 12.4 Main Committee Handling of Negative Votes. This revision replaces sequential balloting of main committee and Society negative votes with concurrent balloting.

The following changes were made since the October 2003 edition and published in the May 2004 edition:

Section 5 Termination of Committee or Subcommittee Membership was renamed Termination of Committee or Subcommittee Official Vote. The policy was changed from removing the member to removing the official vote.

The following changes were made since the May 2004 edition and published in the October 2005 edition:

Section 11.1.3 was revised. This change makes it mandatory to include a rationale with each subcommittee ballot item. This change enables consistent treatment of requirements for balloting throughout the process.

The following changes were made since the October 2005 edition and published in the October 2006 edition:

Section 5 Termination of Committee or Subcommittee Official Vote was revised to remove the notice of having missed two ballots.

Section 9.7 Election of Officers was revised to extend officer ballot election conclusion from 1 to 31 December of the odd-numbered years.

The following changes were made since the October 2006 edition and published in the October 2007 edition:

Section 9.5 Proxies limits the number of proxies that a single voting interest can hold to one, allows a official voting member to assign a proxy to a fellow employee from their voting interest (company or organization) or to another member of the subcommittee committee, and requires that the actual proxy be submitted by either the proxy giver or proxy holder.

The following changes were made since the October 2007 edition and published in the May 2009 edition:

Section 11.6.1 Issuance of a Concurrent Ballot was revised to remove the requirement for a rationale for why the ballot item is being balloted concurrently.

Section 19 Antitrust Policy was added. This is a new Section.

The following changes were made since the May 2009 edition and published in the October 2009 edition:

Addition of new section 1.2.1 and editorial changes to sections 11, 12, and 14.

The following changes were made since the October 2009 edition and published in the March 2010 edition:

Revision of sections 11.1.1, 11.6.1, and 12.4.4.

The following changes were made since the March 2010 edition and published in the October 2010 edition:

Addition of new section

Revision of sections 3.5.2, 3.5.8, 11.1.2, 11.4.1, 12.1.2, 12.4.1, Appendix sections and

The following changes were made since the October 2010 edition and published in the April 2011 edition:

Revision of sections 11.6.1, 11.7, 11.7.1

The following changes were made since the April 2011 edition and published in the October 2011 edition:

Revision of sections 6.2, 7.2.2, 11.2.2, and 12.2.2.

The following changes were made since the October 2011 edition and published in the April 2012 edition:

Revision of sections 11.4, 12.4, 11.4.4, 9.6, and 10.

Addition of new section 9.7 on recording of ASTM meetings.

The following changes were made since the April 2012 edition and published in the April 2013 edition:

Addition of new section 7.2 on Trade Associations.

Revision of section 3.2 Formation of New Committees.

The following changes were made since the April 2013 edition and published in the October 2013 edition:

Revision of sections 10.6.3,, 12.1.2, and

The following changes were made since the October 2013 edition and published in the April 2015 edition:

Revision of section

Addition of Appendix B.

The following changes were made since the April 2015 edition and published in the April 2016 edition:

Revision of Appendix B.

The following changes were made since the April 2016 edition and published in the April 2017 edition:

Revision of sections 11.2.2, 12.2.2, and 13.3.

Revision of definitions in Section 1.

The following changes were made since the April 2017 edition and published in the October 2018 edition:

Revision of section

The following changes were made since the October 2018 edition and published in the October 2019 edition:

Changed all instances of chairman/chairmen to chair/chairs.

Replaced videotapes with video in Discussion of 10.1.1.

Replaced 7.5 of Appendix A to include "hybrid meetings."

The following changes were made since the October 2019 edition and published in the April 2020 edition:

Revision of sections 9.5 and 10.7.

The following changes were made since the April 2020 edition and published in the September 2020 edition:

Revision of Appendix B to provide language that displays diversity and inclusion.

Revision of Appendix C to include specific language from the regulations on the form.

Revision throughout to change “voting member” to “official voting member” where applicable.

The following changes were made since the September 2020 edition and published in the March 2021 edition:

Revision of Appendix B to add explanatory footnote to Professional decorum.

The following editorial change to the March 2021 edition was made in September 2021:

Editorially changed: "and pays the required administrative fee" to "and maintains an active Society membership." to the end of the definition for "member."

The following changes were made to the March 2021 edition and published in the March 2023 edition:

Revision of sections 7.1.2 and 7.1.3.

The following changes were made to the March 2023 edition and published in the September 2023 edition:

Revision to Subsection 10.6.3 on Frequency of Review.

Revision of Section 7 of Appendix A.

The following editorial change to the September 2023 edition was made in March 2024:

Editorially updated sections 7.1.5 and 7.3.2 in Appendix A.

The following editorial changes to the September 2023 edition were made in September 2024:

Editorially updated sections 7.3.1, 7.6, and 8.3 in Appendix A.

Editorially replaced Proxy Form: Appendix C.

Appendix A Guide for Preparing Committee Bylaws - COTCO Approved: September 2006

Committee ______ on

Adopted by Committee:

Approved by COTCO:


1.1These bylaws are subject to the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations, and are in accordance with the ASTM Bylaws. Committee ___ will hereinafter be referred to as the Committee.

1.2This edition of the Committee Bylaws was adopted and approved under the Regulations.


2.1The scope of the Committee shall be ____ . [Include types of standards the Committee intends to write, primary technical fields to be addressed, and those to be excluded. Examples of scopes are included in Appendix I]1.

2.2The work of this Committee will be coordinated with other ASTM committees and other organizations having mutual interest.


3.1The Regulations describe the procedure for becoming a member and maintaining membership in a Committee or Subcommittee. [These are the requirements of the Regulations, which must be followed]. [In accordance with the Regulations, a Committee may establish criteria that will provide guidance for membership approval.]

3.2 Resignations:


3.3Honorary Members — Individuals recognized for long and outstanding service can be elected as Honorary Members of the Committee. Honorary members are lifetime members of the Committee and are exempt from rules pertaining to inactivity. ASTM membership must be maintained. [The criteria for nomination and election shall be specified. Options include nomination by the Honors and Awards Subcommittee with election by the executive subcommittee, nominations by majority vote by the executive subcommittee and election by administrative ballot by the main committee, or other procedures adopted by the committee.]

4.Classification and Voting Interest

4.1Classification — 

Unclassified Committee - "This committee is unclassified."

Classified Committee - The General Classification System shall be used with each member being classified according to the scope of the Committee as follows: [The Committee shall prepare in these sections specific criteria that will be used when classifying each individual member. For example, see Appendix II.]1




4.1.4General Interest:

4.1.5Consultants: Classification of consultants shall be as defined in Section 7.2 of the Regulations.

[Other types of classification systems, such as the Multiple Classification System, may be used. The classification system to be used shall be determined in accordance with the section on Classified Committees of the Regulations. It is the responsibility of the Committee to determine the classification system best suited to its needs. For examples, see Appendix III.] 1

4.2Voting Interest: Voting Interest is defined in the Regulations. [Each executive subcommittee shall establish guidelines that will enable it to categorize individuals associated with companies or organizations having multiple divisions or subsidiaries into the same or separate voting interests. See Appendix IV1 for examples of how other committees have defined voting interest.]

5.Election and Duties of Committee Officers and the Executive Subcommittee

5.1Officers — The officers of the Committee shall be a Chair, Vice-Chairs, and Secretary, who will hold those same offices in the Executive Subcommittee. No two officers of the Committee shall represent the same voting interest. The term of office shall be determined by the Regulations. [These or other combinations of officers, for example additional vice chairs, may be elected according to the Committee's preference. In classified committees, it is preferred that the number of officers classified as producers not exceed those classified as users and general interests.]

5.1.1Chair — The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Committee. The Chair may be an ex officio member of all subcommittees of the Committee. [Each classified committee has the option to choose whether or not producers can serve as chair.]

5.1.2Vice-Chair — The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in the discharge of the Chair’s duties, preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair, and shall perform other duties as delegated by the Chair. [List in this section specific duties assigned to the Vice-Chair (Vice-Chairs) such as chair of the Long Range Planning Subcommittee]. If there is more than one Vice-Chair, prioritize the order of substitution/succession in the event the Chair is absent or resigns. See Appendix V for examples.]

5.1.3Recording Secretary — The Recording Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Committee, keep the minutes, which shall be prepared and sent to ASTM Headquarters within ___ days of the end of the meeting, conduct the correspondence for the Committee, and perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Chair. The Recording Secretary shall be the repository of copies of all Executive Subcommittee correspondence. At the end of the term of office, the Recording Secretary shall transmit to the succeeding Recording Secretary all such correspondence files.

5.1.4Membership Secretary — The Membership Secretary shall maintain a current and complete roster of members of the Committee and Subcommittees, shall work closely with ASTM Staff; shall place applicants on the membership rolls subject to ratification of the executive subcommittee, and shall review and present membership at Executive Subcommittee meetings. [Some committees may choose to combine the duties of Recording Secretary and Membership Secretary.]

5.2Executive Subcommittee — The Executive Subcommittee shall be composed of (1) the officers of the Committee, (2) the Chairs of the subcommittees, and (3) members-at-large. The Executive Subcommittee shall give executive direction to the Committee. [In classified committees, it is preferred that the number of officers classified as producers not exceed those classified as users and general interest members.]

5.3Members-at-Large — The election of ___ Members-at-Large shall be distributed as evenly as possible to represent the diversity of interests and products included in the activities of the Committee so that the goal of a balanced Executive Subcommittee is promoted. The members at large shall perform duties as assigned to them by the Chair. [Each committee shall specify a finite number of members-at-large, term of office, and which selection process shall be used, i.e.: "the Members-at-Large shall be elected in accordance with Section 5.3" or "the Members-at-Large shall be appointed by the Chair with Executive Subcommittee Approval," or another method determined by the committee.]2.

5.4Nominating Committee — In preparation for a ballot to be concluded by December 31 of the odd-numbered years, the Chair of the Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee, to be approved by the Executive Subcommittee, consisting of at least ___ members of this Committee. Balance of interest shall be represented by the members of this Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees. This slate, plus nominations made from the floor at a Committee meeting, shall be sent to ballot of the Committee. Space shall be provided on the ballot for "write-in" votes. Members of the Nominating Committee shall be eligible for election, unless otherwise restricted by the Regulations.

5.5Vacancies — Vacancies in elective office shall be filled by Executive Subcommittee appointment. The appointee shall serve until the next regular biennial election of officers. Appointment to an un-expired term shall not affect the eligibility requirements for Election of Officers in the Regulations.


6.1The Executive Subcommittee shall establish the subcommittees and approve the scope and activities of each.

6.2Classification — Subcommittee members shall be classified according to the scope of the subcommittee, following the provisions of article 4 of these bylaws. [The above applies to classified subcommittees only.]

6.3 Subcommittee Leadership:

6.3.1The Chair of the Committee, with Executive Subcommittee approval, shall appoint the Chairs of the subcommittees.

6.3.2The Chair of the subcommittee may appoint additional leadership, including Vice Chairs, Secretaries, or Task Group Chairs, as needed to achieve efficient operation.

6.4Discharge — Upon completion of its work or for other good reasons, a subcommittee may be discharged or put on inactive status by the Executive Subcommittee. A subcommittee so discharged or deactivated may be reconstituted if later developments make such a course desirable. The leadership of any discharged subcommittee shall transmit all records of permanent interest to the ASTM Staff Manager.

6.5Service Functions/Subcommittees — [Established in this section should be a terminology function for those committees who write definitions of terms, descriptions of terms, symbols, or abbreviations; and an editorial function; and a Long Range Planning function. If desired, each or any of these functions can be made a separate subcommittee. Additionally, other support functions with specific duties and responsibilities detailed in the appendix may be included.]

6.5.1The Long Range Planning Subcommittee shall be led by the Committee Vice-Chair. This subcommittee shall address long range planning for the technical committee. The subcommittee shall periodically evaluate Committee operations relative to Committee scope, industry needs, and other related activities. It shall develop and recommend to the Executive Subcommittee a long-range plan that considers Committee performance and future direction.

6.5.2The Terminology Subcommittee writes definitions of terms, descriptions of terms, symbols, acronyms or abbreviations for a Committee terminology standard. This subcommittee also acts as a resource for other subcommittees that need to write definitions.

6.5.3The Editorial Subcommittee acts as resource for other subcommittees that need assistance with issues regarding form and style. [NOTE: Subcommittees are encouraged to develop procedures for submission of draft documents to the Editorial Subcommittee for its review prior to balloting.]

6.5.4The Honors and Awards Subcommittee shall be responsible for, but is not limited to, submission of nominations for the ASTM Award of Merit, Committee Honorary Members, Committee Certificates of Appreciation and various other Committee and Society awards. [All committees are encouraged to describe each committee award and the necessary qualifications and voting procedures in these bylaws].


7.1 Main Committee Meetings:

7.1.1Number of Meetings — Regular meetings of the Main Committee shall be held preferably twice a year or as often as necessary to carry out the business of the Committee. Special meetings of the Main Committee may be held at the call of the Chair, with Executive Subcommittee approval, or at the written request of at least ___ official voting members of the Committee.

7.1.2Time and Place — Establishment of the time and place of all meetings of the Main Committee shall be the responsibility of the Executive Subcommittee. Meeting places for regular meetings should be established at least two years in advance.

7.1.3Meeting Contracts — All ASTM meetings that involve a contract shall be negotiated and the contract executed by the President of ASTM or a designee thereof in accordance with ASTM Board policy.

7.1.4Meetings Notices—Notices of Main Committee meetings, including hybrid meetings, should be distributed to the members of the Committee by ASTM Headquarters at least six weeks in advance of the meeting.

NOTE—A hybrid meeting is a meeting or event that connects in-person attendees and remote participants using a virtual platform.

7.1.5Quorum—Committee members, or their authorized representatives (see ASTM Regulations Section 9.5 on Proxies), representing not less than ___% official voting members, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

7.2Executive Subcommittee Meetings—Meetings of the Executive Subcommittee shall be held at the call of the Chair or upon written request of not less than 10% but not fewer than three members of the Subcommittee. A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for conducting business.

7.3Subcommittee Meetings — Meetings of the Subcommittees are normally held if there is business to be transacted prior to the Main Committee meeting. Special meetings, including hybrid meetings, may be held at any time on four weeks' notice from the Chair of the Subcommittee or upon request of at least ___ official voting members of the Subcommittee.

7.3.1Meeting Notices and Agenda — The Main Committee Chair, Staff Manager, and Subcommittee members shall be notified four weeks in advance of all meetings, including hybrid meetings. Agendas, and minutes from the previous meeting, should be distributed in advance of the meeting. However, if the meeting is to be held as a virtual meeting, see Section 7.6.

7.3.2Quorum — Subcommittee members, or their authorized representatives (see ASTM Regulations Section 9.5 on Proxies), representing ___% of the official voting members, but not fewer than three members, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

7.4Task Group Meetings—Meetings of task groups may be held in-person, hybrid, or virtually at the discretion of the task group. There is no minimum notification period for task group meetings.

7.5Meeting Rules—The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Committee and subcommittee meetings in all cases, except where these rules are in conflict with the Regulations or the Committee or ASTM Bylaws.

7.6Virtual Meetings—Virtual meetings may be held at any time. Where quorum is needed for business to be transacted, no less than two weeks’ notice, with authorization from the Chair of the Subcommittee and/or Main Committee or upon request of at least ____ official voting members for the respective Subcommittee or Main Committee is required. For meetings requiring quorum, agendas, and minutes from the previous meeting, should be distributed in advance of the meeting.

NOTE—A virtual meeting is a meeting or event allowing participants in different physical locations to use their internet connected devices to meet using a virtual platform.

7.7Proxy — See Section 9.5 of the ASTM Regulations for information on proxies. The form to be used for the assignment of proxies is located in Appendix C of the ASTM Regulations and on the ASTM website (http://www.astm.org).


8.1Subcommittee — Recommendations for all actions on standards shall be approved in accordance with Subcommittee and Main Committee Procedures on Standards in the Regulations.

8.2Committee — Recommendations involving new, revised, reapproved, or withdrawn standards shall be submitted to ASTM Headquarters for a ballot of the Committee [see Main Committee & ASTM Procedures on Standards in the Regulations].

8.3Review — Subcommittees shall review annually standards under their jurisdiction and follow the ASTM Regulations Frequency of Review requirements. A status report shall be submitted to the Committee annually.

8.4 Administrative Ballots

8.4.1Amendments to these bylaws, election of Committee officers, and other administrative matters shall be approved by Committee ballot.

8.4.2Issuance of an Administrative Ballot: ballot shall be authorized by a motion passed at a meeting of the Main Committee or by the Executive Subcommittee. Administrative ballots shall be conducted by ASTM Headquarters. ballot shall indicate a closing date, which shall not be fewer than 15 days after the issue date. ballot shall contain a statement providing the reason for balloting each item.

8.4.3Administrative Ballot Voting Requirements: affirmative vote of a simple majority of the combined affirmative and negative votes by all members is required with not fewer than ___% of all members returning ballots. Ballot items returned unmarked shall be considered as abstaining. ballots received after the closing date, or as soon thereafter as a ___% return is achieved, will be considered as not having been returned.

8.4.4Statements Accompanying Votes—Ballots shall be considered.

8.4.5Negative Votes votes received on administrative ballots shall be acted upon by the Executive Subcommittee. At its discretion, the Executive Subcommittee may appoint a task group to review negatives and recommend action to the Executive Subcommittee. motion to find a negative vote not related to the item being balloted or not persuasive requires an affirmative vote of a simple majority of the combined affirmative and negative votes cast by the Executive Subcommittee members on the action. statement of the reason(s) for the action(s) taken on negative votes and a record of the vote shall be recorded in the Executive Subcommittee minutes. Publication of the minutes constitutes notification of the negative voters.


9.1Subcommittee Reports — The Chair of each subcommittee shall submit a report to the Committee at each regular meeting covering the progress of the work and the recommended actions. If a verbal report is presented, a written report (or minutes) shall be sent to the Secretary and Staff Manager within ___ days. If a subcommittee fails to present a report at two consecutive meetings of the Committee, it shall be required to show cause to the Executive Subcommittee why it should not be discharged.


10.1[Appendixes may be used to contain information regarding committee operating procedure and policies, duties and responsibilities of support committees or functions that are not delineated within the Committee Bylaws.]


11.1Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by any member at a regular meeting of the Committee or by the Executive Subcommittee. A ballot shall be authorized by approval of two thirds of the members in attendance at a Committee meeting or at an Executive Subcommittee meeting.

11.2Amendments to these bylaws shall be adopted by ballot in accordance with 8.4 of these bylaws, provided that they do not conflict with the ASTM Bylaws or the Regulations.

11.3If an amendment is approved in accordance with 8.4 of these bylaws, all disapprovals and comments shall be evaluated by the Executive Subcommittee. If deemed acceptable, appropriate changes should be made. When substantive changes are made in response to negatives and comments, the changes shall be reballoted by the Main Committee. After the amendment has been approved by the Committee on Technical Committee Operations (COTCO), the amended bylaws shall be distributed to all members of the Committee.

Appendix I - Scope

C-27 on Precast Concrete Products

SCOPE: The formulation of test methods, specifications, definitions, terminology, recommended practices, and the promotion of knowledge relating to precast concrete products exclusive of concrete pipe and block. The primary areas of interest include utility structures, minor architectural and structural products, agricultural products, water and wastewater treatment structures, and other special products.

The work of this Committee will be coordinated with other ASTM Committees and other organizations having mutual interest.

D-11 on Rubber

SCOPE: The development of test methods, terminology, specifications, practices, and classifications pertaining to rubber, rubber products, and systems and services appropriate to rubber technology. Tires, insulated wire and cable, electrical protective equipment, and insulated tape are excluded since they are the responsibility of other ASTM committees.

The Committee shall encourage research concerning the properties of such materials, products, and systems. The work of this Committee will be coordinated with other ASTM committees and other organizations having mutual interest.

Appendix II - Classifying Committee Members

D-16 on Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Chemicals

4.2Producer: Any voting interest of an organization producing any material or product within the scope and active consideration of the Committee for sale to a user not affiliated with the same organization.

4.3User: Any voting interest that cannot be classified as a producer that purchases for use any material or product within the scope and active consideration of the Committee.

4.3.1Users who produce for their own consumption. Some voting interests classified as user may at times be faced with a surplus of material or product within the scope of the Committee produced by the organization represented by the voting interest for its own use and may within certain limitation, sell that surplus without losing its user classification. In arriving at such limitation, the executive subcommittee shall take into consideration whether such sales are continuing and constant practice representing an important business feature of the voting interest or whether such sales are or may be forced upon the user by circumstances over which he has no control, such as shutdown of facilities that would otherwise use the material or product whether by accident or need for routine or unusual maintenance and report. Any production that is a permanent part of the products offered for sale is sufficient to classify the voting interest as a producer.

4.4General Interest: Any voting interest of an organization that is not directly involved in or responsible for the production or use of any material or product within the scope and active consideration of the Committee.

F-17 on Plastic Piping Systems

4.3.1Producer: A member who represents an organization that produces or sells products, systems, or services covered in the committee scope shall be classified as a producer.

4.3.2User: A member who represents an organization that purchases or uses products, systems, or services other that for a household, covered in the committee scope shall be classified as a user provided that the member could not also be classified as a producer.

4.3.3General Interest: A member who does not fit into any of the preceding categories. The Executive Subcommittee in classifying an applicant who is a raw material supplier, an additive supplier, or a machinery producer as General Interest Vote will use the following rationale: does not have jurisdiction over nor will write specifications for raw material resins and/or compounds and processing machinery. raw material, additive, or machine usage must not be exclusively or mainly concentrated in the plastic pipe production or assemblage. relationship of the applicant’s activities to the Scope of F-17 must be:

  1. (a)At least one step removed from production and marketing of plastic pipe or pipe components.

  2. (b)Directed toward technical quality and performance characteristics of plastic piping products.

  3. (c)Not involved with the promotion or sale or products or assemblies.

Appendix III - Classification Systems Common Classification

F-17 on Plastic Piping Systems

4.1 Classification:

4.1.1Committee members shall be classified by the Executive Subcommittee, at the time their application is accepted, according to their individual or organizational interest. On subcommittees subject to balance, the Subcommittee Chair shall determine the classification of a member on that subcommittee.

4.1.2Classification of committee/subcommittee members by organizational and technical interest is needed to ensure fairness and balance among affected interests in keeping with ASTM Bylaws. Classification shall be related to the scopes of the committee/subcommittees. Such classification may be the same or different at main committee and subcommittee levels.

4.1.3Organizational interest is typified by employer, employee, consultant, client, contractor, or sales representative as well as by types of products and services provided. Consultants or other individuals serving more than one kind of interest shall declare their principal interest.

Appendix IV - Voting Interest

D-32 on Catalysts

3.3Voting Interests — Generally, each organization will constitute a voting interest. In a multi-division corporation, guidelines that might be used to judge whether sister divisions have different interests are relatively simple when the various primary divisions have a different classification. In that case it is clear that each division shall have a separate voting interest. If, however, the various primary divisions have the same classification, then separate (in the definition of voting interest) becomes a key operative word. Criteria that might be used to determine whether there is a separate interest may include affirmative answers to the following:

  1. (a)Does the division have its own chief executive officer?

  2. (b)Do the divisions, if producers, have unique and quite different product lines?

  3. (c)Do the divisions have separate research and development departments?

Ultimately, a body of experience based on several decisions may be the best guideline.

Appendix V - Vice-Chair Duties

D-11 on Rubber

4.3First Vice-Chair — The First Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in the discharge of the Chair’s duties, preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair and shall supervise the activities of all technical subcommittees.

4.4Second Vice-Chair — The Second Vice-Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Committee or Executive Subcommittee in the absence of both the Chair and First Vice-Chair. The Second Vice-Chair shall supervise the activities of all administrative subcommittees.

D-19 on Water

4.1.2First Vice-Chair Duties—The First Vice-Chair shall serve as Chair of the Section on Committee Operations of the Executive Subcommittee. In the absence of the Committee Chair, the First Vice-Chair shall serve as Chair.

4.1.3Second Vice-Chair Duties—The Second Vice-Chair shall serve as Chair of the Section on Strategic Planning of the Executive Subcommittee, and shall act for the Chair and the First Vice-Chair in their absence.

1Appendix to the Guide for Preparing Committee Bylaws.

2The number of Members at Large should be finite and defined here as well as in the section on Officers (refer to Section 5.1).

Appendix B ASTM International Responsibilities of Membership COTCO Approved: April 2015


The mission statement of ASTM International states:

Committed to serving global societal needs, ASTM International positively impacts public health and safety, consumer confidence and overall quality of life. We integrate consensus standards, developed with our international membership of diverse volunteer technical experts, and innovative services to improve lives — Helping our world work better.

There are many different roles within the ASTM Standards Development Process including: ASTM Technical Committee members, technical contacts for work items, subcommittee and main committee officers, and attendees at meetings. The following guidelines are intended to assist members in the ASTM process in executing their respective roles and responsibilities. Because no single set of guidelines can address every possible situation, ASTM members and attendees should attempt, even when the guidelines do not specifically address a situation, to act in a manner which is consistent with the mission of ASTM and its policies, as well as the spirit of these guidelines. Concerns regarding member responsibilities shall be reviewed and resolved by the appropriate officers of the Technical Committee.

Members of ASTM International:

Work for the benefit of all ASTM stakeholders

Recognize that the development of standards is for the benefit of the greater community, over and above the interests of any individual, company or representative organization. Members represent an individual interest and must be prepared to accept consensus decisions that are in the broader interest.

Uphold the consensus process

Uphold the principles of the consensus-based process through openness, transparency, balance, inclusiveness, and respect in accordance with Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees3 and policies for the development of Standards.

Professional decorum 4

  1. (a) Advocate their position in a courteous, respectful and professional manner.

  2. (b) Focus statements on the scientific, technical, and procedural issues and not on a specific individual or organization.

  3. (c) Allow others to present their position and be respectful of all viewpoints

Member participation

  1. (a) Perform all duties required of them by their committee. This includes completing and returning ballots.

  2. (b) Conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner.

  3. (c) Express viewpoints through the making of proper motions, through participation in the formal debate on those motions, and voting on motions and ballots.

  4. (d) Refrain from knowingly disseminating false or misleading information.

Member education 5

Read, become familiar with, and adhere to the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees3 and all other duly established policies and procedures related to the ASTM Standards Development Process.

Technical Committee and Subcommittee Chairs 6

  1. (a) Chairs act in an impartial and inclusive manner in the performance of their duties as chair.

  2. (b) Chairs are consistent in conducting meetings in a professional manner and in particular with respecting the participation by both members and attendees.

Declare voting interests

In order for the Standards Development Process to operate fairly and effectively, it is necessary that technical committees represent diverse interests and that those interests are balanced within the committees. In order to ensure the necessary balance of interests, members have a continuing obligation to provide ASTM with timely, accurate, and complete information concerning their voting interest.

Oral communication and
written correspondence

  1. (a) Take reasonable steps to ensure that any statements are properly portrayed as the opinion or position of that individual and not representative of ASTM. Do not use ASTM stationery for making statements or responding to inquiries.

  2. (b) ASTM does not provide interpretations of standards. ASTM only provides official statements as outlined in Section 16 of the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees. A committee or subcommittee may take action to introduce a revision to the standard to further clarify its intent.

  3. (c) Individual members consult ASTM Headquarters prior to distributing information to subcommittee or main committee rosters to avoid inappropriate conduct.

3Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees - http://www.astm.org/COMMIT/Regs.pdf

5Member training is available from ASTM Headquarters - http://www.astm.org/MEMBER_TRAINING/

6Additional guidance is provided in the ASTM Technical Committee Officer Handbook - http://www.astm.org/COMMIT/RedBook5.pdf

4Member statements that are not consistent with the professional decorum principles are prohibited and will neither be posted on the ASTM website nor distributed. If such statements are submitted online, staff will remove the document from the website. In such cases, staff will work with the submitter of the statement(s) to remove the prohibited language prior to re-posting. If the submitter refuses to revise their statement(s), ASTM will work with the appropriate subcommittee chair and main committee chair to revise prior to re-posting.

Appendix C Proxy Form




main committee ballot, 11.4.1, 12.4.1

subcommittee ballot, 11.4.1

Actions on standards

main committee ballot, 12.2

requiring ballot, 10.3

subcommittee ballot, 11.2

Adjuncts, 10.1.1, 10.10

Affiliate Member, 4.6

Affirmative votes

main committee ballot, 12.2.1

statements accompanying votes, 11.3.1, 12.3

subcommittee ballot, 11.2.1

Amending committee bylaws, 3.5.10

Annexes, 10.9

ANSI, submission of standards to, 1.2.1, 15.4

Antitrust, 19


negative vote, main committee ballot, 12.7

society principle, 1.4.1

termination of membership, 5.2.1

Appendixes, 10.9, Appendix A (Section 10)

Application for committee membership, 4.1

Approval of standards, 10.3

ASTM Disclaimer of Liability as to Patented Inventions, 15.3

ASTM documents, 2

categories, 2.1

classification, 2.2.1

standard, 2.1.1

guide, 2.2.2

practice, 2.2.3

specification, 2.2.4

terminology, 2.2.5

test method, 2.2.6

types, 2.2

ASTM headquarters

changes in jurisdiction of standards,

disbursement of committee funds, 18.1.1

main committee ballots, 12.1.1

official statements, 16

publications, 17.1

publicity/news statements, 17.2

regulations maintained by COTCO, 1.6

Authority of regulations, 1.3

Automatic withdrawal, overdue standards, 10.6.3


Balance of classified voting interests, 3.2

of committees, 3.1.1, 8.3

Ballots, see also Main committee ballot; Society review of main committee ballot; Subcommittee ballot

adoption of bylaws for main committees, 3.5

annexes/appendixes, 10.9

concurrent, 11.6

issuance of concurrent ballot, 11.6.1

negative votes, 11.6.2

confirming subcommittee ballots, 12.7

distribution, society principle, 1.4

editorial changes, 10.6.4

election of main committee officers, 9.6

main committee ballot, issuance, 12.1

patent/pending patent references in standards, 15

percent required return/affirmative votes

main committee ballot, 12.2.1

subcommittee ballot, 11.2.1

report on results, society principle, 1.4

subcommittee ballot, issuance, 11.1

Board of Directors

authority, 1.3

discharge of committees, 3.6.1

formation of committees, 3.2

approval of bylaws, 3.5

establishment, 3.2

official statements/responses, 16

revisions of regulations, 1.7

society bylaws, governing principles, 1.4

termination of special projects, 18.2

Bylaws, 3.5

guide, Appendix A


Calls to meetings, 9.3

Categories of ASTM documents, see ASTM documents

Chairs, see Committee chairs; Subcommittee chairs

Change in employment, voting interest, 6.4

Charter, 1.3


classes of, 7.1

of committee members, 7

committees, 8

annual review, 8.3

balance achieved in new committees, 3.1.1

multiple classifications, 8.2.2

outlined in committee bylaws, 3.5.3

producer representation, 8.1

related to scope of subcommittee or committee, 7.1.1

voting interest, requirement for, in bylaws, 3.5.3

definition, 2.2.1

Closed meetings, 9.2

Closing date of ballot, 11.1.2, 12.1.2


bylaws, see Bylaws

formation of new, 3.2

membership, 4.1

merger or discharge, 3.6

structure, 3.4

Committee chairs

approval/disbursement of committee funds, 18

concurrent ballot requests, 11.6.1

election procedures, 9.6

Committee expenses/funds, 18

Committee membership, 4

classifying, 7

qualifications, 3.5.2

termination, 5

voluntary contributions, 18.1

voting, 6

Committee officers

advised of committee inactive status,

duties/responsibility covered in committee bylaws, 3.5.5, Appendix A

election, 3.3, 9.7

nomination/election, 3.5.4

policy on salaries and fees, 18.1.3

release of publicity/news statements, 17.2

Committee on Standards, 14

approval of other forms of documents, 2.2.7

consideration of voting on standards, 14.1

custody of discharged committees’ standards,

exceptions from Form and Style Manual, 10.8

Committee on Technical Committee Operations (COTCO)

appeal by rejected/misclassified applicants, 4.3.1

appeal by terminated members, 5.1.1

approval of committee bylaws, 3.5

formation of new committees, 3.2

maintenance (revision) of Regulations, 1.6, 1.7

revision of regulations, 1.7

scope of, 1.5

Committee review of standards, 10.6.3

Committee rules, in committee bylaws, 3.5

Committee scope

annual review of member classifications, 8.3

inclusion in committee bylaws, 3.5.1

Concurrent ballot

minimum percent affirmative, 12.6

negative votes, 11.6.2, 12.4

for resolution of negative ballots, 12.4.2

submission of revisions, withdrawals and new standards, 11.6

submission of subcommittee items, 11.6

Conduct of business, 9

Consensus, definition, 1.1.1

Consultants, 7.2

Consumer, definition, 7.1.3

Contracts, Appendix A (Section 7)

COTCO, see Committee on Technical Committee Operations


Disbursement, 18.1.1

Discharge of committees, 3.6

Disclaimer of liability – patented inventions, 15.3

Drafts, records of, 1.4


Editorial changes, 10.6.4

Election, committee officers, 9.6

procedures covered in committee bylaws, 3.5.4

Employment, change, 4.1, 6.4

Executive subcommittee

approval of affiliate members, 4.6.1

approval of membership application, 4.1.1

approval of ASTM official statements/responses, 16.1

classification of committee membership, 6.2

closed meetings, 9.2

definition, 3.1.2

establishment, 3.4

investigation for discharge of committees,

Expenses and funds of committees, 18


Fees to committee officers, 18.1.3

Form and Style Manual, 10.8, 15.2.2

Formation and discharge of committees, 3.2

Formation of subcommittee, 3.4

covered in committee bylaws, 3.5.8

Funds for committees, 18


General classification, 4.1, 8.2

General Interest Member, 7.1.4

Government agencies, ASTM official statements/responses to, 16

Guide, definition, 2.2.2


Imbalance on classified committees/subcommittees, 6.3.2

Inactive committee, investigation/discharge status, 3.6.2, 3.6.3


Jurisdiction of standards, 10.5


Liaison representatives, with other committees, 10.6.1

Limitation of membership, 4.4


Main committee ballot, 12

acceptance of subcommittee recommendation,

accompanying ballot statements, 11.3, 12.3

available to members prior to action, 11.4.2, 12.2.3

actions requiring, 10.3

annexes/appendixes, 10.9

handling negative votes, 11.4.3, 12.4

appeal, 12.8, 14.2

documentation of actions taken, 11.4.5, 12.7

motions for handling, 11.4.3, 12.4

notification of time/place for discussion, 12.4.3

notification of vote disposition, 12.8

resolution, 11.4, 12.4

statements from non-members, 11.2.2, 12.2.2, 13.3

votes not previously considered, 12.4.2

votes previously considered, 12.5

issuance of ballot, 11.1, 12.1

patent references in standards, 15

percent required return/affirmative votes, 12.2.1

submission of subcommittee items, 11.5

voting requirements, 11.2, 12.2


closed, executive subcommittee, 9.2

election of officers, 9.6

inactive status of committees, definition, 3.6.2

minutes, 9.4

notification, 9.3

official publications, 17.1

open, 9.1

outlined in society bylaws, 1.4

rules for conduct of business, 9

addressed in committee bylaws, 3.5.6

Membership, 4

criteria in committee bylaws, 3.5.2

inactivity, definition and procedure for action, 3.6.2, 3.6.3

member, definition, 1.1.2

termination, 5

voting privileges, 6.2

Merger of committees, 3.6

Minutes of committees and subcommittees, 9.3, 9.4

publication and distribution, 1.4, 17.1

rules for submitting, 3.5.8

Motions, handling negative votes, subcommittee, 11.4.3

Multiple classification system, 8.2.2


Negatives votes, see also Main committee ballot; Society review; Subcommittee ballot

concurrent ballot, 11.6.2

documentation of actions taken

main committee ballot, 12.8

subcommittee ballot, 11.4.5

not related motions

main committee ballot,

subcommittee ballots,

not persuasive motions

main committee ballot,

subcommittee ballots,

previously considered, main committee ballot, 12.5

report for main committee ballot, 11.5.1

request for main committee ballot prior to subcommittee consideration of negative votes, 11.5.2

submitted to ballot for disposition,

withdrawal, 11.4.1, 12.4.1

News statements, 17.2

Nomination procedures for officers, 3.5.4

nominating committee, 9.6

Non-member, statements from, 11.2.2, 12.2.2, 13.3


call to meetings, 9.3

negative voters,, 13.2

proposed standard undertaking, society principle, 1.4

termination of membership, 4.7


Official (ASTM) statements, 16

Official vote, see Voting, Section 6

Open meetings, 9.1

Organizational interest, definition, 6.1.2

Overdue standards, 10.6.3


Patent reference in standards, 15

Percent required return/affirmative votes

main committee ballot, 12.2.1

subcommittee ballot, 11.2.1

Practice, definition, 2.2.3

Preface to Regulations, 1

Preliminary organization, 3.2


balance requirements, 8.1

definition, 7.1.1

representation, 4.3

Proposal preparation, to raise funds, 18.2.1

Proxies, 3.5.6, 9.5, Appendix C

Publications, 17

Publicity and news statements, 17.2


Quorum requirements, committee bylaws, 3.5.6


Reapproval of standards, 10.4.1

Recording at ASTM Meetings, 9.7

Records, maintenance, 1.4


authority, 1.3

committee bylaws

consistent with regulations, 3.5

reference sections, 3.5.9

role of COTCO in maintaining, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7

revision, 1.7


committee officer elections, 9.6

balloting results, submission for main committee ballot, 11.5.1

Review of standards, 10.6

Revision of standards

concurrent ballot, 11.6.1

proposal and consideration, 10.6.2

Review of Regulations, 1.7

Revised document, reballoting, 12.4.3


Salaries, committee/subcommittee officers, 18.1.3

Society review

accompanying statements, 13.3

actions requiring, 10.3

handling negative votes

consideration by Committee on Standards, 14.1

notification of vote disposition, 12.6

votes previously considered, 12.5

main committee ballot items, 13

withdrawal of standards, 10.3.3, 10.7

Society membership, 4.3

Society principles, 1.4

Society regulations on finance, 18

Special projects, 18.2

Specification, definition, 2.2.4

Standardization News, publication of

society ballot, 14.1.1

standards actions, 14.2

Standards adjuncts, 10.10

annexes/appendixes, 10.9

approval, 10.3.1

definitions, 2

editorial changes, 10.6.4

Form and Style, 10.8

frequency of review, 10.6.3

general procedures, 10

jurisdiction, 10.5

patent references, 15

reapproval, 10.4.1

review, 10.6

revision, 10.3.2, 10.6.2

submission for concurrent ballot, 11.6

submission to ANSI, 15.4

withdrawals, 10.3.3, 10.7


accompanying ballots, 11.3, 12.3

from non-members, 11.2.2, 12.2.2

official, 16

of willingness to consider alternatives, 15.1.1


establishment, 3.5.8

membership, 4.2

rule for reports/minute, 3.5.8

Subcommittee chairs

initiation of concurrent ballot, 11.6.1

initiation of subcommittee ballot, 11.1.1

request of main committee ballot, 11.5.2

Subcommittee ballot, 11

actions requiring, 10.3

annexes/appendixes, 10.9

authorization, 11.1.1

concurrent ballot, issuance, 11.6

handling negative votes, 11.4

on concurrent ballot, 11.6.2

documentation of actions taken, 11.4.5

motions for handling, 11.4.3

notification for discussion of negative votes,

statements, 11.3.2

withdrawal, 11.4.1

issuance, 11.1

patent references in standards, 15

percent required return/affirmative votes, 11.2.1

statements accompanying votes, 11.3

submission for main committee ballot, 11.5

voting requirements, 11.2

Subcommittee membership

approval by executive subcommittee, 4.1.1

reference by committee bylaws, 3.5

termination, 5

Subcommittee officers

advised of performance/status of committees, 3.6.2

appointments/tenure, 3.5.8

Subsidiary, 6.1.3


Task groups, 10.2

Tenure of office of committee officers, 9.6

Termination of membership, 4.7

criteria, 3.5.2

Terminology, definition, 2.2.5

Test method, definition, 2.2.6

Two-thirds affirmative vote, subcommittee ballot, 11.2.1



balance requirements in classified committees, 8.1

definition, 7.1.2

representation, 4.3


Vice chair, see Committee officers

Visitors to open meetings, policy, 9.1

Voluntary contributions, 18.1.2

Voting, 6, see also Main committee ballot, handling negative votes; Subcommittee ballot, handling negative votes

change of employment affecting voting, 6.4

classified committees

balance achieved before voting, 3.2.1

classification, 3.5.3

official vote

definition, 6.1.1

provision for, 6.3

termination, 5

non-official voting member, 6.1.5

official voting member, 6.1.4

percent requirement return/affirmative votes

main committee ballot, 12.2.1

subcommittee ballot, 11.2.1

voting interest on committees

classification, 7.1

definition, 6.1.2

voting privilege, 6.2

Voting member, see also official voting member, 6.1.4


Withdrawal, standards, 10.7

concurrent ballot, 11.6