Standard Historical Last Updated: Jan 22, 2016 Track Document
ASTM F2408-11

Standard Specification for Ornamental Fences Employing Galvanized Steel Tubular Pickets

Standard Specification for Ornamental Fences Employing Galvanized Steel Tubular Pickets F2408-11 ASTM|F2408-11|en-US Standard Specification for Ornamental Fences Employing Galvanized Steel Tubular Pickets Standard new BOS Vol. 01.06 Committee F14
$ 83.00 In stock


This specification establishes the minimum requirements for coated tubular picket ornamental fence systems fabricated from galvanized steel components. Steel material for tubular picket ornamental fence system structural components shall be galvanized by the hot-dip process, either after forming, or prior to forming. Powder coatings applied to the exterior surface of fence components shall be polymer material: polyester or epoxy and polyester combinations. Wet coating applied to the exterior surface of fence components shall be a two-coat paint application system (one coat of epoxy, polyester or polyurethane primer; one coat of polyester, polyurethane, or acrylic liquid). Fittings, fasteners, and decorative accessories for ornamental steel fence systems shall be manufactured with a material and finish coating that meets the same protective coating performance requirements as required for panels and posts. Four structural test methods shall be conducted: Method A which is application of horizontal concentrated load, Method B which is application of vertical concentrated load, Method C which is application of horizontal thrust load to infill areas, and Method D which is application of horizontal cone penetration load. Different tests shall also be performed in order to determine the following properties of the fence system coatings: adhesion, corrosion resistance, impact resistance, and weathering resistance.


1.1 This specification establishes the minimum requirements for coated tubular picket ornamental fence systems fabricated from galvanized steel components.

1.2 The requirements of this specification do not apply to vertical bar fence systems utilizing solid bar or wrought iron materials.

1.3 The values stated with in-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The SI values in parentheses are provided for information.

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Book of Standards Volume: 01.06
Developed by Subcommittee: F14.35
Pages: 7
DOI: 10.1520/F2408-11
ICS Code: 91.090