Standard Historical Last Updated: May 01, 2017 Track Document
ASTM F2059-06(2012)e1

Standard Test Method for Laboratory Oil Spill Dispersant Effectiveness Using The Swirling Flask

Standard Test Method for Laboratory Oil Spill Dispersant Effectiveness Using The Swirling Flask F2059-06R12E01 ASTM|F2059-06R12E01|en-US Standard Test Method for Laboratory Oil Spill Dispersant Effectiveness Using The Swirling Flask Standard new BOS Vol. 11.08 Committee F20
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Significance and Use

A standard test is necessary to establish a baseline performance parameter so that dispersants can be compared, a given dispersant can be compared for effectiveness on different oils, and at different oil weathering stages, and batches of dispersant or oils can be checked for effectiveness changes with time or other factors.

Dispersant effectiveness varies with oil type, sea energy, oil conditions, salinity, and many other factors. Test results from this test method form a baseline, but are not to be taken as the absolute measure of performance at sea. Actual field effectiveness could be more or less than this value.

Many dispersant tests have been developed around the world. This test has been developed over many years using findings from world-wide testing to use standardized equipment, test procedures, and to overcome difficulties noted in other test procedures.


1.1 This test method covers the procedure to determine the effectiveness of oil spill dispersants on various oils in the laboratory. This test method is not applicable to other chemical agents nor to the use of such products or dispersants in open waters.

1.2 This test method covers the use of the swirling flask test apparatus and does not cover other apparatuses nor are the analytical procedures described in this report directly applicable to such procedures.

1.3 The test results obtained using this test method are intended to provide baseline effectiveness values used to compare dispersants and oil types under conditions analogous to those used in the test.

1.4 The test results obtained using this test method are effectiveness values that should be cited as test values derived from this standard test. Dispersant effectiveness values do not directly relate to effectiveness at sea or in other apparatuses. Actual effectiveness at sea is dependant on sea energy, oil state, temperature, salinity, actual dispersant dosage, and amount of dispersant that enters the oil.

1.5 The decision to use or not use a dispersant on an oil should not be based solely on this or any other laboratory test method.

1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.

1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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Book of Standards Volume: 11.08
Developed by Subcommittee: F20.13
Pages: 5
DOI: 10.1520/F2059-06R12E01
ICS Code: 75.180.30