Standard Historical Last Updated: May 16, 2011 Track Document
ASTM F2040-06

Standard Specification for Helmets Used for Recreational Snow Sports

Standard Specification for Helmets Used for Recreational Snow Sports F2040-06 ASTM|F2040-06|en-US Standard Specification for Helmets Used for Recreational Snow Sports Standard new BOS Vol. 15.07 Committee F08
$ 73.00 In stock


This specification defines performance requirements for helmets used in nonmotorized recreational snow sports. The hot, cold, and wet helmets shall be subjected to the dynamic strength retention test. The ambient helmet shall be subjected to the positional stability (roll-off) test. Anvils to be used for impact tests in this specification are described as follows: flat anvil, hemispherical anvil, and edge anvil. All impacting shall be performed in accordance with the specified requirements.


1.1 This specification defines performance requirements for helmets used in nonmotorized recreational snow sports (such as skiing, snowboarding, and other alpine sports). This specification is a performance standard and is not intended to restrict design. Although a helmet that meets this specification will help reduce the risk of some types of injuries to the head at slower speeds, the protection is limited. The user is responsible for participating in the sport within his/her abilities and the nature of the snow conditions which may vary widely. Compliance with the common sense rules of the sport's safety, including any applicable responsibility codes, is essential to help reduce the risk of personal injury.

1.2 All testing and requirements of this specification shall be in accordance with Test Methods F 1446, except where noted herein.

1.3 Partial utilization of this specification is prohibited. Any statement of compliance with this specification shall be a certification that the product meets all of the requirements of the specification in its entirety. A product that fails to meet any one of the requirements of this specification is considered to have failed the standard and should not be sold with any indication that it meets parts of the standard.

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Book of Standards Volume: 15.07
Developed by Subcommittee: F08.53
Pages: 4
DOI: 10.1520/F2040-06
ICS Code: 13.340.20; 97.220.40