Standard Historical Last Updated: Dec 20, 2016 Track Document
ASTM F2027-08

Standard Guide for Characterization and Testing of Raw or Starting Biomaterials for Tissue-Engineered Medical Products

Standard Guide for Characterization and Testing of Raw or Starting Biomaterials for Tissue-Engineered Medical Products F2027-08 ASTM|F2027-08|en-US Standard Guide for Characterization and Testing of Raw or Starting Biomaterials for Tissue-Engineered Medical Products Standard new BOS Vol. 13.01 Committee F04
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Significance and Use

The physico-chemical characteristics of the raw or starting biomaterial used in regenerative medicine scaffolds carries significant potential to affect product performance by influencing cell behavior and/or the release of bioactive molecules or drugs. This guide describes recommended specifications or characterizations of raw or starting biomaterials to ensure reproducibility prior to their fabrication into implantable tissue engineering scaffolds and/or controlled release matrices.


This guide addresses material characteristics of raw or virgin materials in a nonfabricated form that will ultimately undergo additional processing into growth, support, or delivery vehicles for cells or biomolecules. The substrate material shall have specifications for an extensive set of chemical and physical properties prescribed. Test methods shall be performed in order to determine the chemical and physical properties of the material.


1.1 This document provides guidance on writing a materials specification for raw or starting biomaterials intended for use in tissue engineering scaffolds for growth, support, or delivery of cells and/or biomolecules. This guide does not apply to biomaterials that are already in a scaffold form or are finished tissue-engineered medical products.

1.2 The purpose of this guide is to provide a compendium of relevant existing standards and test methods for biomaterials already commonly used within medical products and to provide characterization guidance for interim use of raw biomaterials for which a standard does not exist.

1.3 This guide covers specifications and characterizations of all the major classes of materials including polymers, ceramics, metals, composites, and natural tissues of human, animal, or plant origin. This guide does not apply to pharmaceuticals.

1.4 This guide is focused on specification of chemical, physical, and mechanical properties of the raw or starting material. It does not include safety and biocompatibility requirements since safety and biocompatibility testing is typically done on materials fabricated into a final form to include all possible effects of fabrication and sterilization techniques.

1.5 Compliance with materials specifications developed in accordance with this standard may not necessarily result in a material suitable for its intended purpose. Additional testing specific to the intend use may be required.

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Book of Standards Volume: 13.01
Developed by Subcommittee: F04.42
Pages: 7
DOI: 10.1520/F2027-08
ICS Code: 11.040.40