Standard Historical Last Updated: Jan 22, 2016 Track Document
ASTM F1184-05(2010)

Standard Specification for Industrial and Commercial Horizontal Slide Gates

Standard Specification for Industrial and Commercial Horizontal Slide Gates F1184-05R10 ASTM|F1184-05R10|en-US Standard Specification for Industrial and Commercial Horizontal Slide Gates Standard new BOS Vol. 01.06 Committee F14
$ 73.00 In stock


This specification covers the material, design, and dimensional requirements for horizontal slide chain link fence gates, gate posts, and other accessories and components for industrial and commercial applications. The horizontal slide gates covered here shall be of the following types: Type Ioverhead slide gates that are supported only from above; and Type IIcantilever slide gates spanning an opening lacking a top or bottom support within that opening. Furthermore, Type II gates shall be supplied in any of the two classes as follows: Class 1 steel frame gates and aluminum frame gates using external rollers; and Class 2 frame gates and aluminum frame gates using internal rollers. Gates of either type and class shall conform to material and manufacture requirements specified for zinc-coated steel frames, aluminum alloy gate frames, polymer-coated steel or aluminum frames, chain link gate fabric, barbed wire top, and barbed tape. Type I gates shall additionally meet the specified requirements for materials and manufacture, shape and size, dimension and weight, gate posts, gate support members, roller assembly, gate extensions, and gate extension bracing. Conversely, Type II gates shall additionally meet the specified requirements for shape and size, gate posts, guide posts (for Class 1 only), roller assembly (external and internal rollers, top roller guards, and bottom protective plates), performance criteria, field adjustment, and latching.


1.1 This specification covers detailed requirements for cantilever and overhead slide chain link fence gates, gate posts, and accessories for industrial and commercial applications.

1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.

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Book of Standards Volume: 01.06
Developed by Subcommittee: F14.40
Pages: 4
DOI: 10.1520/F1184-05R10
ICS Code: 91.090