Standard Historical Last Updated: Aug 16, 2017 Track Document
ASTM F1031-00

Standard Practice for Training the Emergency Medical Technician (Basic)

Standard Practice for Training the Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) F1031-00 ASTM|F1031-00|en-US Standard Practice for Training the Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) Standard new BOS Vol. 13.02 Committee F30
$ 73.00 In stock


1.1 This practice covers a standard course for the training of the emergency medical technician (basic) which will prepare a person to perform those skills commonly required to render lifesaving aid at the scene of an emergency and during transportation to a definitive care facility.

1.2 It is not the intent of this practice to require that the curriculum be used exactly as presented, but only that the knowledge and skill objectives that are part of the curriculum be included in any course purporting to train the emergency medical technician (basic). It is not the intent of this practice to limit the addition of knowledge and skill objectives as required by local conditions.

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Book of Standards Volume: 13.02
Developed by Subcommittee: F30.02
Pages: 2
DOI: 10.1520/F1031-00
ICS Code: 11.160