Standard Historical Last Updated: Nov 05, 2021 Track Document
ASTM F1002-15

Standard Performance Specification for Protective Clothing and Materials for Use by Workers Exposed to Specific Molten Substances and Related Thermal Hazards

Standard Performance Specification for Protective Clothing and Materials for Use by Workers Exposed to Specific Molten Substances and Related Thermal Hazards F1002-15 ASTM|F1002-15|en-US Standard Performance Specification for Protective Clothing and Materials for Use by Workers Exposed to Specific Molten Substances and Related Thermal Hazards Standard new BOS Vol. 11.03 Committee F23
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Significance and Use

4.1 This specification establishes minimum design, performance, and labeling criteria for both primary and secondary protective clothing for use in operations involving molten substances and related thermal hazards.

Note 1: Standardized molten splash testing of both primary and secondary protective materials and garments as listed in this specification utilize pure molten materials, typically iron or aluminum. In practice, users of protective clothing for metal splash protection may routinely work with alloys. Protective clothing covered by this specification may or may not perform similarly with alloys of various metals. The entity specifying the protective clothing shall determine if the protective clothing is appropriate for their specific alloy.

4.1.1 Requirements are specifically established for materials used in the construction of primary and secondary protective clothing on the basis of performance attributes that are considered important for worker protection. In some cases, different minimum levels for the same performance properties are set between primary and secondary protective clothing due to the differences in the expected performance for these two types of protective clothing.

4.1.2 Additional requirements are established for primary and secondary protective clothing items in terms of the minimum design characteristics and performance features for other materials and components used in the construction of the clothing.

4.2 This specification can be applied to either protective clothing materials or protective clothing, or both.

4.2.1 The application for protective clothing materials involves meeting the respective requirements for either primary or secondary protective clothing materials found in Section 5.

4.2.2 The application for protective clothing involves meeting the respective requirements for either primary or secondary protective clothing found in Section 6, which includes construction of the clothing with protective clothing materials that meet the requirements in Section 5.


1.1 This performance specification establishes the minimum design and performance requirements for protective clothing and protective clothing materials for both primary and secondary protection from exposure to molten substances and related thermal hazards.

1.2 This performance specification is not intended to address protection from hot liquids or from specialized forms of heat and flame protection such as any fire fighting application.

1.3 This performance specification describes the properties of specific textile materials in their material or garment composite form as tested by laboratory methods and is not intended to be used to appraise the thermal hazard or risk under actual conditions. However, it is acceptable to use information on the thermal performance of clothing made from textile materials conforming to this specification as an element in thermal risk assessment which takes into account all factors pertinent to the thermal hazard of a particular end use.

1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.

1.5 This performance specification does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with the use of compliant protective clothing or protective clothing materials. It is the responsibility of the persons or organizations that use this performance specification to conduct a hazard and risk assessment to determine the applicability of this performance specification to the intended application of the protective clothing or protective clothing materials, and to establish appropriate safety and health practices.

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Book of Standards Volume: 11.03
Developed by Subcommittee: F23.80
Pages: 8
DOI: 10.1520/F1002-15
ICS Code: 13.340.10