Standard Active Last Updated: Jul 16, 2020 Track Document
ASTM E3210-20

Standard Practice for Infrastructure Management

Standard Practice for Infrastructure Management E3210-20 ASTM|E3210-20|en-US Standard Practice for Infrastructure Management Standard new BOS Vol. 04.12 Committee E53
$ 76.00 In stock

Significance and Use

4.1 Purpose—This practice provides a framework for an authority to assess, plan, and execute: (1) the construction of new systems of tangible and intangible infrastructure; and (2) operate, maintain, monitor, and repair existing systems of infrastructure assets so as to maximize their use value by providing desired services for the benefit of infrastructure asset service recipients of the authority’s unit of government or private sector organization.

4.2 How to Use Information—The information generated by this practice is used to assess the quality and frequency of delivered infrastructure asset services, which then provides the basis for changing the amounts or proportions of funding for one, many, or all types of infrastructure assets in the subsequent cycle of assessment, planning, and execution. The user shall identify an acceptable score for each infrastructure asset system being assessed with the practice (using resources listed in Table 4) and is encouraged to set targets for higher scores for each subsequent cycle of assessment (so that continuous improvement may be achieved) that shall not exceed four years.

4.3 Who Should Use Information—The authority should use the generated information from the use of this practice to: (1) life safety-prioritize capital expenditures (extraordinary outlays) and spending on operations, maintenance, monitoring, and repair (ordinary outlays) of each infrastructure asset system that is assessed; (2) ensure costs are based on a life cycle basis, and, (3) triage those expenditures when insufficient funds limit the number of prioritized infrastructure asset services that can be improved or upgraded. The infrastructure asset service recipient should use generated information from the use of this practice to: (1) advocate for improved services; (2) coordinate communication among other infrastructure asset service recipients to voice concerns about service quality, frequency, and equity; and (3) identify new sources of revenue if present revenues are not sufficient for projects prioritized by the authority or by infrastructure asset service recipients.

4.4 Regulatory Context—This practice does not supersede or replace federal, State, or local regulations, or reporting guidelines of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board or the Financial Accounting Standards Board. The user is responsible for determining the regulatory context, and associated constraints and obligations associated with the information generated in the performance of this practice.

4.5 Use of Practice—An authority may incorporate this practice, in whole or in part, into general regulatory or guidance documents.

4.6 Professional Judgment—This practice allows for transparency and accountability for an authority. The Infrastructure Management Process (Fig. 2) includes two community engagement steps, whereby the authority seeks concurrence with her/his infrastructure asset service recipients on goals and priorities for such services. Importantly, the authority is obliged to make final decisions that result in provided infrastructure asset services. Should this practice become part of the user’s system of governance, those results will be revisited continuously.

FIG. 2 Infrastructure Management Process

Infrastructure Management ProcessInfrastructure Management Process

4.7 The user should review the standards in Table 4 before each iteration of this practice’s use.

4.8 Elimination of Uncertainty—Professional judgment, interpretation, and some uncertainty are inherent in the processes described herein even when decisions are based upon objective scientific principles and accepted industry practices. In addition, new methods are continually being developed for this evolving field.

4.9 Process Overview—At initiation, the user reviews: Section 3 Terminology; and then proceeds to Section 4 Significance and Use; Section 5 Planning and Scoping; Section 6 Integrated Infrastructure System Management Process; and Section 7 Infrastructure System Reporting and Documentation, and becomes familiar with Fig. 2, an overview of the Infrastructure Management Process.


1.1 This asset management practice establishes requirements of transparency and accountability for an assemblage of tangible and intangible infrastructure asset systems for a public or private organization.

1.2 This practice promotes the life safety-prioritized and cost efficacious delivery of 15 types of infrastructure assets to infrastructure asset service recipients. These services include direct uses (for example, water supply or police protection) and indirect uses (for example, preventing adverse impacts on the environment while minimizing nature’s adverse impacts on infrastructure assets).

1.3 This practice may be used as the basis for training guides for infrastructure asset system employees and operators.

1.4 This practice provides an acceptability framework for 15 systems of infrastructure assets, including (1) potable water supply, (2) food systems, (3) sewage and storm water systems, (4) buildings, (5) healthcare, (6) security, (7) power, (8) communication, (9) transit and travel, (10) waste disposal, (11) education, (12) cultural heritage, (13) recreation and entertainment, (14) nature, and (15) financial systems.

1.5 This practice is composed of the following sections: referenced documents; terminology; significance and use; planning and scoping; integrated infrastructure system management process; and infrastructure system reporting and documentation.

1.6 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.

1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1.8 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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Book of Standards Volume: 04.12
Developed by Subcommittee: E53.07
Pages: 17
DOI: 10.1520/E3210-20
ICS Code: 03.100.01