Standard Historical Last Updated: Mar 15, 2021 Track Document
ASTM E2947-16a

Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning

Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning E2947-16A ASTM|E2947-16A|en-US Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning Standard new BOS Vol. 04.12 Committee E06
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Significance and Use

5.1 This guide provides recommendations for the enclosure commissioning process from its project planning through design, construction and occupancy and operation phases. This guide is intended for various building types. Although Practice E2813 defines two levels of enclosure commissioning, fundamental and enhanced, complex buildings and Owners seeking a higher level of assurance may require more intensified enclosure commissioning than the minimum requirements described in this guide and Practice E2813.8

5.2 The process uses performance-oriented practices and procedures to verify that the project is achieving the OPR throughout the delivery of the project.

5.3 The BECx process is recommended to begin during the predesign phase and continues through the occupancy and operations phase. The process includes specific tasks during each project phase.

5.4 The commissioning process is outlined in ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202. It is recommended that the reader understand and comprehend the base process provided in that document. This standard guide and Practice E2813 provide a specific process related to the building enclosure commissioning.

5.5 Note that the enclosure commissioning process should not infringe upon the authority or responsibility of the Owner, the project’s designers or contractors. The BECxS, BECxP and CxA can identify areas of concern relative to the Owner’s Project Requirements which are discussed with the Owner and other stakeholders; however it is the Owner who directs the project and BECx teams. It is recommended that the BECxP be engaged in predesign phase to define the scope of BECx so that the Owner’s agreements with the project team (including the contractor) clearly define the scope of contracted tasks that interface with BECx process.

5.6 Enclosure commissioning does not replace a traditional design/construction process but is meant to enhance and be an integral part of that process by validating the design and verifying the construction meets the requirements of the OPR.

5.7 In this guide, the performance objectives for attributes of the building enclosure as required by an Owner are considered. Enclosure attributes to be considered include the control of moisture, condensation, heat flow, air flow, water vapor flow, noise, fire, vibrations, energy, light, infrared radiation (IR), ultraviolet radiation (UV), as well as the structural performance, durability, resiliency, security, reliability, aesthetics, value, constructability, maintainability over its life cycle, and sustainability of the enclosure elements, to meet the OPR. The commissioning objectives for a building’s enclosure may vary by the Owner’s requirements. The objectives contained in the OPR may vary by occupancy, use, size, and the project requirements, which may include other requirements across these or other variables.

5.7.1 Note that this guide is not a one-size-fits-all “how to” standard guide on avoiding poorly performing building enclosures.

5.8 Approach: 

5.8.1 The sequence of work for the BECx team commences by assembling the documentation of the OPR at the inception of a project. The sequence continues with the conveyance and interpretation of this information by the BECx team members throughout the building delivery process. Throughout the process, the BECxP verifies that the BECx team’s work product is consistent with this guide and Practice E2813. The enclosure commissioning process has been structured to coincide with the phases of a generic project with predesign, design, bidding and negotiation, construction, occupancy, and operations phases. If circumstances require Owners to adopt the enclosure commissioning process during the design or construction phase of a project, implementation at that point in time shall capture the information that would have been developed had the enclosure commissioning process begun at project inception. Beginning the building enclosure commissioning process at project inception will maximize benefits to the project.

5.8.2 Although this guide focuses upon building enclosure systems, a successful whole building commissioning process should carefully document and verify interfaces between interdependent building systems. Even if the building enclosure is the singular focus of this Cx process, coordination among disciplines is essential for overall building project success.


1.1 Purpose—This guide provides procedures, methods and documentation techniques that may be used in the application of the building enclosure commissioning (BECx) process. This guide is complementary to Practice E2813 and is aligned with ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202 and ASHRAE Guideline 0.

1.2 Extent—The process outlined in this standard guide applies to each building delivery phase from pre-design through Owner occupancy and operation. The specific application of this guide may vary to suit the Owner, the project delivery method and the building project as outlined in the Owner‘s Project Requirements (OPR).

1.3 Primary Focus—The primary focus of this process includes, but may not be limited to, new construction of building enclosures, existing building enclosures undergoing substantial renovation or alteration, and continuous commissioning of enclosure systems.

1.4 Contractual and Regulatory Obligations—The methods described in this guide are not intended to supersede or otherwise replace the contractual obligations reserved specifically for the parties responsible for the design and construction of a building or structure, nor to alter the roles, responsibilities and duties that may otherwise be assigned to those parties by applicable regulatory or statutory law.

1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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Book of Standards Volume: 04.12
Developed by Subcommittee: E06.55
Pages: 22
DOI: 10.1520/E2947-16A
ICS Code: 91.010.99; 91.040.01; 91.060.01