Standard Active Last Updated: Feb 07, 2023 Track Document
ASTM E2234-09(2023)

Standard Practice for Sampling a Stream of Product by Attributes Indexed by AQL

Standard Practice for Sampling a Stream of Product by Attributes Indexed by AQL E2234-09R23 ASTM|E2234-09R23|en-US Standard Practice for Sampling a Stream of Product by Attributes Indexed by AQL Standard new BOS Vol. 14.01 Committee E11
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Significance and Use

4.1 Purpose—This publication establishes lot or batch sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes. This publication shall not be interpreted to supersede or conflict with any contractual requirements. The words “accept,” “acceptance,” “acceptable,” etc, refer only to the contractor’s use of the sampling plans contained in this standard and do not imply an agreement by the customer (formerly “Government” in original text) to accept any product. Determination of acceptability by the customer shall be as described in contractual documents. The sampling plans described in this standard are applicable to AQL’s of 0.01 % or higher and are therefore not suitable for applications where quality levels in the range of parts per million levels can be realized.

4.2 Application—Sampling plans designated in this publication are applicable, but not limited, to inspection of the following: (1) end items, (2) components and raw materials, (3) operations or services, (4) materials in process, (5) supplies in storage, (6) maintenance operations, (7) data or records, (8) administrative procedures. These plans are intended primarily to be used for a continuing series of lots or batches. The plans may also be used for the inspection of isolated lots or batches, but, in this latter case, the user is cautioned to consult the operating characteristic curves to find a plan which will yield the desired protection (see 6.11).


This practice establishes lot or batch sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes using MIL-STD-105E as a basis for sampling a steady stream of lots indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL). It provides the sampling plans of MIL-STD-105E in ASTM format for use by ASTM committees and others and recognizes the continuing usage of MIL-STD-105E in industries supported by ASTM. This practice also establishes lot or batch sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes.


1.1 This practice establishes lot or batch sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes using MIL-STD-105E as a basis for sampling a steady stream of lots indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL).

1.2 This practice provides the sampling plans of MIL-STD-105E in ASTM format for use by ASTM committees and others. It recognizes the continuing usage of MIL-STD-105E in industries supported by ASTM. Most of the original text in MIL-STD-105E is preserved in Sections 4 – 6 of this practice.

1.3 No system of units is specified in this standard.

1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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Book of Standards Volume: 14.01
Developed by Subcommittee: E11.30
Pages: 62
DOI: 10.1520/E2234-09R23
ICS Code: 07.020