Standard Historical Last Updated: Feb 13, 2013 Track Document
ASTM E1823-12d

Standard Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing

Standard Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing E1823-12D ASTM|E1823-12D|en-US Standard Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing Standard new BOS Vol. 03.01 Committee E08
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1.1 This terminology contains definitions, definitions of terms specific to certain standards, symbols, and abbreviations approved for use in standards on fatigue and fracture testing. The definitions are preceded by two lists. The first is an alphabetical listing of symbols used. (Greek symbols are listed in accordance with their spelling in English.) The second is an alphabetical listing of relevant abbreviations.

1.2 This terminology includes Annex A1 on Units and Annex A2 on Designation Codes for Specimen Configuration, Applied Loading, and Crack or Notch Orientation.

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Book of Standards Volume: 03.01
Developed by Subcommittee: E08.02
Pages: 25
DOI: 10.1520/E1823-12D
ICS Code: 01.040.19; 19.060