Standard Historical Last Updated: Mar 28, 2019 Track Document
ASTM E1732-18b

Standard Terminology Relating to Forensic Science

Standard Terminology Relating to Forensic Science E1732-18B ASTM|E1732-18B|en-US Standard Terminology Relating to Forensic Science Standard new BOS Vol. 14.02 Committee E30
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Significance and Use

3.1 These terms have particular application to the forensic sciences. In addition, a hierarchy of sources of definitions were used in the development of this terminology. The hierarchy is as follows: Webster’s New Collegiate 7th Dictionary; technical dictionaries; and the Compilation of ASTM Standard Definitions (1).10 The subcommittee developed a suitable definition after all of the sources in the hierarchy were found wanting.


1.1 This terminology standard includes definitions of terms used in the forensic sciences.

1.2 Legal and scientific and terms in common use that are generally understood or defined adequately in other readily available sources may not be included, except when dictionaries show multiple definitions and it seems desirable to indicate the definitions recommended for forensic science use.

1.3 Section A defines terms that are common to multiple areas of forensic science, whereas, the subsequent sections define terms pertaining to specific forensic science areas, as follows:

Section A: General (Common) Forensic Science Terms


The terms defined in Section A are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E30.92, Terminology.




Section B: Criminalistics


The terms defined in Section B are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E30.01, Criminalistics.



Section B1: Terms for Seized Drug Analysis



Section B2: Terms for Gunshot Residue (GSR) Analysis and Smokeless Powder Analysis



Section B3: Terms for Paint Analysis



Section B4: Terms for Textile, Fiber, Cord, and Tape Examination



Section B5: Terms for Glass Examination




Section C: Digital and Multimedia Evidence


The terms defined in Section C are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E30.12, Digital and Multimedia Evidence.



Section C1: Terms for Computer Forensics



Section C2: Terms for Digital Image Processing and Multimedia Evidence Examination



Section C3: Terms for Magnetic Card Reader Examination



Section C4: Terms for Facial Image Examination




Section D: Interdisciplinary


The terms defined in Section D are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E30.11, Interdisciplinary Forensic Science Standards.




Section E: Questioned Documents


The terms defined in Section E were formerly the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E30.02, Questioned Documents, and are currently the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E30.90, Executive Committee.

1.4 Entries listed in Sections B–E reflect only those existing in Committee E30 standards current with the date of a once yearly review of Committee E30 standards. Changes to standards or entries following this date will appear in Sections B–E after the following year’s review date.

1.5 An alphabetical list of the terms defined in this standard is given in Appendix X1, which also identifies the section(s) in which each term is defined.

1.6 Definitions identical to those published by another standards-developing organization or ASTM committee are identified with the abbreviation of the name of the organization or the identifying document and ASTM committee; for example, ASME is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

1.7 In some cases different usage of a term in different fields has been noted.

1.8 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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Book of Standards Volume: 14.02
Developed by Subcommittee: E30.92
Pages: 30
DOI: 10.1520/E1732-18B
ICS Code: 01.040.11; 11.020